Fuck this awful site. Bullshit like this is why I quit visiting this place years ago. I wish this site had died with Gawker.
Fuck this awful site. Bullshit like this is why I quit visiting this place years ago. I wish this site had died with Gawker.
Calling Uptown “downtown” might piss us off (:
Bank of America Stadium is right in the middle of the city, Bojangles Colesium is not in a bad part of town, and Uptown (“downtown”? Really?) is not confusing at all. And traffic here is not that bad compared to other large cities. I don’t think you’ve ever actually been here.
It should be criminal to not use Joe Buck’s call on this play.
Uh, no. Track tires are perfectly safe for street use above 40 or so degrees so long as they are not a “DOT slick” or something similar. They are not all that aggressive.
“what is it “we” are supposed to do for them?”
This non-car political bullshit is why I’ve stopped visiting this site. I only come over from Deadspin when I see a particularly interesting link. If your current readers and potential new ones are OK with it, more power to you. But I’m getting my car news elsewhere and loving not seeing this shit.
Did you just assume that all these people feel personally threatened and afraid of a Trump presidency?
Still no manual shifting? Weaksauce. As Failrace said, this game is a regression from past NFS titles.
“Everything you need to know”
It is discrimination. Discrimination based on the fact that he was a convicted criminal, beat his girlfriend, and is all around just an asshole. Discrimination can be a good thing.
True. In fact, there are no innocent people. I don’t know why you feel the need to single out blacks.
The clutch pedal in a real car has a much different feel than the clutch that works with the gaming wheel, just as the throttle and brake pedals do. Remember that the clutch is not an on/off switch- there is a progression to its engagement that you have to master to drive smoothly.
No, it was definitely the worst at the point they called it. You sure you were there?
That wasn’t even the problem. The race was dangerous at that point. You guys are ignoring that fact in an attempt to justify your rage over the race being shortened, for some reason. It’s completely daft.
Go to a race sometime and you’ll understand why you don’t just leave early. So long as the race is still going, you stay.
You don’t “just leave” a race. Staying for the whole thing no matter the conditions is part of the experience. I also wanted to keep watching as long as it was still going on, even if it was getting pointless.
How fucking stupid are you? Should they have kept the race going so we could have had another yellow in 5 minutes’ time? Did you want to sit out there and get even soggier while a Mazda 6 led parade laps? I sure didn’t.