

Charles Smith is busy eating shoes because of North Korea's latest famine.

Showed this graph to my boss, he said:

good food and a taxidermy collection? Coincidence?

And your question of the day is: Which parts are more expensive and time consuming to replace?

100 percent totally disagree with number one. The X6M is insanely cool. It's so terrible and so great at the same time.

I'm shitting myself until 2025, when I can import a Tuscan...

It made perfect sense when they said the tree and light pole were going 60 mph.

Don't forget, Andy Reid is a perfect 100% against the spread

Not trying to be a pain, genuinely curious:

Well, if something, this looks like the tool for the job.

By 2030, ill have my shop open, TVRs will be a very special part of it, i might even import them, you have nothing to worry about when it comes to maintaining that monster haha

"I vehemently deny today's allegations made by Chris Kluwe".

I kind of feel like Chris Kluwe's "activism" stopped being about the actual cause and started being more about Chris Kluwe a little bit ago.

The word you're looking for is "Buildception"

Knowing words isn't the same as knowing their meaning.

No but its called institutionalized sexism where there isn't a evil troll sitting behind the scenes laughing the evil laugh but that institutions and processes that exist (often unintentionally) create unfair practices. What is more is that since religion, legal IDs, names, government policies, tax laws, airplane

The goody good religous do gooders forgive you for being a douchebag at this moment.