
The AK-47/74 is the McDonald's of modern firearms - prove me wrong.

The Roads Were Paved With Cancer, could be a Dethklok song

This should be filed under "greatest of original intentions, but piss poor execution." Which, with GM, is very often the case.

The way I look at it, you should be grateful anytime your fast food meat products can be reasonably assumed to actually come from the animal they're named after.

Nice chrome wheel, right? What if I told you that it's actually an unfinished alloy with a PLASTIC COVER glued to it? That's how a lot of GM and Dodges leave the factory these days. You can see that the lip looks different, because it's the actual wheel.

They shatter when they get curbed, or when a tire installer


Ignore it for long enough and a great cloud of smoke will billow up and a man will appear - only the man's going to be driving a tow truck.

Park, Reverse and Day mode work fine but Night mode doesn't do shit.

This is a far better gift than forcing underprivileged kids to read Deadspin at anytime. Or forcing them to read snarky mine.

You may want to re-watch that last lap battle.. Your history may be a bit foggy. Joerg didn't punt the Corvette - He tapped the brakes as the Corvette went to hit him, thus having the Corvette spin itself. Also, let's not forget the last turn bump... But that's racing.

Just so that nobody else can do it first.

It's diesel, so no worries there.

The timing of the interview is completely inappropriate- not to say he should not have to answer hard questions about these allegations, but it is completely unreasonable to expect someone to give a coherent response literally a moment after a sporting event, when the subject most likely is both physically and

His estimation was about 40 miles off

Quit trying to copy us and stick to building tractors-

Needy is not being able to be in the same room with the person you love without having them pay attention to you constantly, preferably in the form of touch.

You see it has tail lights, exhausts, a place for a license, a window, a badge and they are red. Also, do not forget, the IRS. It's badge engineering!
