
1. Let's all guess what the most frequently-occurring ballot will be (e.g., four or five names, Maddux/Glavine, etc.)

What the? The H1?! It was amazing. It was a military vehicle sold to the masses, which is ridiculous and insane and wonderful. What the hell, meccapanzer?

You got the wrong Hummer. The H2 is an affront to humanity. The H1 at least had good off-road capabilities. Give me the original HMMWV any day, though. That or a bobbed deuce and a half.

You're right, it doesn't look boring any more. Now it looks completely contrived and just plain ugly. Boring would be a step up from this mess.

Volvo 240

Old is relative.

Ford GT

I don't know what else Brooks could possibly have expected. I mean, it's not like this is the first time football at the Superdome has been watered down.

"I swear. I've never eaten Mary Jane"

I do most of my car photography with my iPhone, usually in the paddock at autocross or track days. My main tip is shoot angles that look good with the light that's there. Some parts of cars or angles won't really be shoot-able with just the sun so you need to pay attention and pick what works. Be cognizant of when

Union bosses intentions are always aligned with their six figure paychecks.

Unions always start out with the best of intentions.

I just craigslist searched the pre-1989 Ford Tempo and Mercury Topaz. Over 400k sold per year from 1984-88. 2M+ out on the roads.

I live in one of the Top 30 population centers in the country. Number of 1984-88 Tempos/Topazes for sale? 1.

I, too, would jump off a bridge to get away from a Ford Freestar.

Adrenaline is one hell of a drug.

Here you go, sir

And Green Pig gets banned from Jalopnik for life in... 3... 2...

Fun fact: Volvo invented the 3-point safety belt, but either didn't patent it, or simply allowed every other company to make them without payment of royalties.