
The video is of course 4:20 long.

You're right- we've got to end riding in the left lanes at all costs.

What about the tools that were just riding in the left lanes without passing? This would've never happened without them.

That's just up the road from me. I suddenly wish I needed a dryer.

Considering the size of the company, their history is definitely impressive.

Commerce is hardly rural.

Carbon Motors. There has just got to be a market for this thing. Police use their vehicles differently than normal civilians, yet have almost always relied on modified civilian cars. I never understood why these didn't take off.

This article is either a glowing example of why soccer sucks or a glowing example of why Deadspin sucks. I can't decide which.

You can't call him out for just caring about the money and then pretend he's only one that just cares about the money. You think any other major motorsport has a different attitude? Hint: they don't. They just understand the audience (you know, the thing you have to have to keep the money coming in) better and

Yes, there's not much college courses can teach you that you can't learn online. That being said, a college will probably do a much better job structuring a CpSc education than someone trying to teach themselves. Also, most companies won't even look at you if you don't have a degree unless you have some big time

Surprising for an organization that won't even allow the 500 Abarth to run because its width/height ratio is too low. Looks like fun though!

Now I didn't consider that, that WOULD be scary.

I guess this is why it's illegal for women to drive in Saudi Arabia.

I hope someone finds that funny before it gets deleted and I get banned!

Nope. I've owned 6 cars, including a modern Honda and Ford truck, and my 986 Boxster has been the easiest to work on out of all of them so far. It's quite intelligently packaged for a mid-engined car. Oil changes are a cinch and there is very little in the engine compartment that isn't sitting on top of the motor,

100% correct. The biggest load of BS here though? Alcohol companies are still free to advertise almost anywhere. Is there an industry in the history of the world that has been more unjustly villainized than that of tobacco?

I hate to bring this one up only because it comes so close to the good side of crazy. But you just can't ignore how useless this thing is.

"comes so close" being key here.

Mustang Sucky Edition

Not even going to read it. I'm just going to point that I'm amazed that this comment is still getting angry replies more than 4 months later. I think this is the 3rd or 4th one posted long after this article should've been forgotten.

It also won it's class, even though it wasn't alone! I think the other car was an '80s Escort.