
3 sides to a triangle, 3 planes, 3 consonants in "plane"...IT'S HALF LIFE 3 GUYS!

5.7L petrol V8, 165 horsepower. Yikes.

Oh my, the anger. Calm down there Mr/Ms. Gypsy.

Can't forget the moderately insulting "You won't believe what happened when...", " You'll never guess...", "Number two-thousand thirty one will surprised you!", etc etc.

Get this political garbage off of Jalopnik. I can (and do) go to Gawker when I want to read ridiculous political posts. Jalopnik is above this crap.

I almost got carsick watching the video. I have never been carsick in real life. Those roads are horrible.

Well, the no money part is inaccurate. Can't speak on the rest of your statement though.

Previously: Some waste built a ridiculous truck and happened to land a drive in a cool series of videos.

Rolls Royce of course has had the benefit of existing all this time, but I think that they show you can still build something special in that exquisite way. Everyone (except you) points to Maybach when talk of bringing back one of these sort of brands comes up, but they forget that those cars still exist. They just

There are 7 billion people on this planet. If someone can build it, someone somewhere would buy it.

The vast majority of the car-buying public thinks that Camrys and Accords are the best cars out there. Do you agree with them on that too?

2nd: The Southerners I know, myself included, have a strong distaste for unions in general. In my case, being a car guy, the UAW is the biggest reason behind that distaste (other unions don't do anything to help the union cause either, though). Our general feelings about unions are driven by our perceptions of

Car rental included?

You seem to be missing the fact that Petty is right. No one would care about Patrick if she were male. Her only accomplishment in the sport is that she is the first competent, regular female driver. She usually finishes near the middle of the pack towards the back and has only placed in the top 10 twice. She would

The UAW's interference wasn't from the outside? I hope that organization fails and shuts down ASAP. They are a vapid drain on our country's auto industry.

Were you using interior view on Forza or one of the third person views? The sightlines between Forza's interior view and real life aren't that different. You can't see 3's exit until just before you're on top of the apex in either. And Forza will invalidate your lap if you cut turn 3 too tight. You also lose a TON

As far as logos that are pictures of the company's actual product goes, I guess it's not that bad. But it's a picture of a Jeep. Why?

The only Porsche I've owned was almost 10 years old when I bought it. That said, even though it's a $15k Boxster and I'm clearly not someone that is going to be throwing enough money at them for them to care about me, Hendrick Porsche in Charlotte has always been excellent in every aspect.

Over half of every state's voting population are morons. What's your point?

It's not big deal when us Southerners can laugh right back at them.