
So hateful. If someone drives through my house, then I am owed the cash and compensation for everything you listed. If someone destroys my car, I trust myself over some jerk off salesman to find a replacement. Yeah, it's a hassle, but the dealer has already proven that it's not able to find the right replacement,

Everyone involved. Including you and me :P

It costs the dealer less to offer them an equal value car, because the dealer pays thousands (many thousands if they are offering $5k in "feel good" money) under market price for the car. And there'd be nothing wrong with that if they could actually find a comparable example that the couple would be happy with.

The dealership doesn't owe them a new car. The dealership (or its insurance company) owes them what the old car was worth when they handed it over. The couple needs to just demand that and forget a replacement car that will minimize the dealer's cost anyway.

I was in the same boat with my Boxster. a month after graduating college, 3 weeks into a new job, and no student loans or past credit cards to give any history whatsoever made it the wrong time to finance a car. But I found the right one, and perhaps due to a large down payment USAA approved me for 5 years at 13%.

I know that it's beating a dead horse at this point, but I'd be lying through my teeth if I told you I didn't think that first picture was of an Evo X.

I said legitimate GT-Rs. Legit in the sense that they are US legal and stock. We know for a fact that supply of those has gone up- it was 0 before Wednesday (ones imported legally disguised as something else may be under the fed's radar but are still illegitimate and subject to seizure if they figure out what's going

Are more people suddenly going to want a 25 year old car? You have those that held off due to the rule vs. the increased supply of legitimate cars. I suppose those that held off could outnumber the increased supply while there's only one or two or model years available, but I can't imagine these will be worth as

Odd, the team principal (forget his name) and owner said last year that they wanted to stick with race motors and wouldn't bother with the USCC P class. I figured he would jump to the WEC.

Fantastic stuff, I'm glad it went so smoothly! $15-20k seems like a deal now, but I wonder if the price will go down as it gets easier to get these cars over here. Cobb's given me hope of achieving a (very foolhardy) dream of mine though- importing one of these bad boys come 2030:

"I believe in tolerance and equality as long as you agree with me."

They can't sell superhero minifigs by themselves as minifigs due to licensing. That would be considered an action figure, and whoever does Batman action figures must have an exclusive license.

Not necessarily. That is probably a rule and the rule itself is an oversight. Whoever responded to all this just responded from a technical perspective (the rule is a rule and we can't yet say we're going to change because that takes meetings and important people making decisions, and that can take longer than 24

You're exactly right, and this proves my point. It's not Air Canada that's causing the perceived problem, it's just society in general. You get nowhere by whining about one company for one incident.

If we all knew, this would be a different post, wouldn't it? My guess is an oversight that resulted in a computer system that requires same last names, not a deliberate attempt to put women down (comon, do people really believe that's the case??).

I can't decide what's worse, Air Canada or people who get all worked over this stuff without knowing the full story behind why AC has this policy.

I used to own an EP Civic Si. It had EPS and the steering feel was just fine. How many economy cars equipped with hydraulic steering have been derided for lack of steering feel? It can be tuned/left out of EPS as well.

Now playing

I tried to post this one a few weeks ago after it happened but I can't figure out how to get things noticed on Kinja. It should be on this list!

Again- if it can't be done right, it shouldn't be done.

I understand that. But if you want a flashy exhaust, it can be done without faking the tip. It's been done countless times. There is no excuse aside from cost.