
I think the important thing for designers to keep in mind here is that if they can't do it right, don't do it at all. We KNOW it can be done right, just look at the V version of the same car:

Not quite. The actual exhaust on the non-V CTS Coupe ends a few inches behind the bumper and that chrome bit is just molded into the bumper/tacked on after the fact. At least most high-end cars still attach the tip to the exhaust. Nice exhaust tips can be cool. The thing I posted is a fake tip that's cheaper than

Does cheap for its class count? I can't stand the fake exhaust tip on the rear of the CTS coupe.

About 20 years ago, all of them.

Just link back to 1st gear when the inevitable "F-150s take 3,985 days to sell" article comes along next year.

Well it might be a miserable year for you then.

Audi isn't even competing against Corvette.

#3...let's just hop out of our airbag-equipped steel cages so we can by crushed by them. Real smart. I think driver's education could focus a little more on just how safe low speed car accidents tend to be.

Alternatively, if USAA is an option for you, go with them. Cheapest, least hassle insurance I've ever heard of. I'm a 24 year old male with a clean record. Full coverage on my 2002 Porsche and 1992 Acura is less than $800/year.

That's actually not what I said at all. I said that you did not prove the point you (seemingly) tried to make. But I think the other commenters have shown what they think pretty decisively.

No you didn't, you just said the rear ends look the same.

That's just one similarity, and you can't even see it in the two pictures you posted. Still waiting.

I am not as keen on all the contrasting black accents. The car I drove was an obnoxious yellow that I'd never ever order. All of the black accents, like the wing, rear bumper, side gills, and more, look cheap. This just looks like an angular bumble bee.

Dang, I am just getting schooled on this one haha

Well you got me there :P

No. Just no. Point the similarities out.

I can't quite tell from the thumbnail, but it seems to me that the RLC wheels are a major deviation from authenticity that this one in the VR series doesn't really have.

More Jalop is this version that was available to the public.

Isn't this true for almost every political protest?

Some of the most fun I've had with the group I play FM4 with has been in 1-2 hour timed races. You have to be sure you won't have any, uh, pressing needs for the two hours after the race starts and your hands will hurt like a mofo after it's done, but there is something about completing such a long race that gives