
The beautiful thing about right to work states is that unions are free to form, but a company cannot force its employees to join. So let them try. No one will be forced out of a job to stay in line with their personal beliefs about unions. This might not happen in a non right to work state. Right to work makes

If you can pull off playing the victim, you can use it to your advantage.

HOORAY, the government is FORCING PRIVATELY HELD ENTITIES to do something else!

So does theft just fall under "unlawful use of a motor vehicle" over there or?...

He's wrong in a technical sense (she drives a real racecar, in races, thus she is a racecar driver) but maybe not-so-wrong figuratively. There is clearly a difference between being fast and being a good racer- qualifying is not a race. Look at Ryan Newman's career. He is a monster of a qualifier, winning the pole

And this is why I rarely do anything with the SCCA. Bunch of fun-suckers who think playtime is super serious business. Leaving black marks can be an issue depending on venue, which is understandable, but they ought to let you know beforehand the rules around that sort of thing.

I need to drive by Riley and see what I can see. Living in Mooresville can have its perks.

Sorry to bust your "imported from Detroit" bubble here, but the fact that Porsche is included in the survey indicates that it is a major automaker.

That is absolutely gorgeous. Tradition for tradition's sake sucks, and they're not changing it permanently anyway, so the haters can just deal with it. I'll definitely be looking for a 1/43 model of this car in the next year.

This thing was fantastic. Wish I still had it, of course. LX-i with a 5-speed manual.

How on earth are you still getting your articles published to Jalopnik? This was all well and good until you brought race into it. Are black people immune to any and all criticism now? If I tell you that I think you are a mediocre, boring writer, is your only retort to pull the race card? Perhaps you just want

Clearly I own the right car, I think it's funny. The drifters and stadium trucks can have their fun, some people want to shoot for the top sporting event in the entire world. (I don't really agree with that, but I'll say the 24 is the greatest motorsport event.) That stuff is fun and worthwhile in its own right, but

I don't see many films, and have only seen one on this list, so maybe our author has only missed the mark just this once: all of the women in The Great Gatsby were not just filling out an ensemble of male characters or playing supporting roles. The movie hinges on Daisy. She does much, much more than fill out the

Good graphics aren't a function of GPU capability. Here are some screenshots that, in my opinion, exemplify good graphics, but don't count on heavyweight GPUs. It's possible to generate good visuals without the latest hardware.

To create a car to sell directly to consumers, or to create an infotainment system to sell exclusively to corporations? I don't think the infotainment system is the first step in building a car...

Whoa there cowboy, where did I say it was a bad thing? I hate the New England Patriots, but I'm not going to say they're a bad football team. You have no relevant facts, as allowing other infotainment producers to access files on an iOS device relates in almost no way to actually producing an infotainment system.

Adding Apple to the complexity of the modern automobile will only end in tears, weeping, and gnashing of teeth for anyone that wants more than "just make it work". No thanks, I'm just glad that most of the new cars I like are not going on my broad blacklist of "all things Apple".

So tell me, what exactly has Apple done aside from giving automotive infotainment producers the keys to browsing iOS filesystems? There's a HUGE difference between device integration and producing the whole system. I'm right.

Volt sales are up 1.4 percent compared to 2012, but that still isn't enough as it competes on price with some true, total electric vehicles. Why the Volt doesn't sell more kind of baffles me; It's rather nice and is actually a lot of fun to drive. Hopefully people start to realize that soon.

I hate Apple, and I don't really care. Working for a large corporation that was a large customer of Apple's under Jobs though, I can tell you that he was not a fan of his corporate customers and the company did as little as possible to support customers with big accounts. He was all about the individual consumer.