
Just be glad that no one brought the hate for calling that derping around "racing"? Oh wait. You're a moron, that's not racing. (:

Hopefully Porsche and Mazda will stay away from this. On another note, Tim Cook's influence is really starting to show- this would have never happened under Jobs.

Psh, nature is free to take the coast back in my opinion. It's the mountains in the western part of the state that are the real draw. Mountains that happen to be far closer to Charlotte than any coastline.

BRB, voting for Charlotte. Comon, who really wants to go to Michigan?

Edgar also won't say what kind of cars exactly he'll be bringing back right away, so feel free to wildly speculate. I'll start – how about a TVR Sagaris Speed 12, with no traction control whatsoever?

Please, please, PLEASE remember that when someone points to this thing in a few years and uses it as justification for large, FWD sedans, remember that GM wanted to kill it by forcing you to spend $10k on luxuries and not offering a "base" model. This car will be a sales failure due to that.

Neutral: Porsche.…

The small volume doesn't matter. The haters are right, but that doesn't matter either because they're not spending money. What else but strength could lead to a car that is significantly overpriced, yet still sells? It's worth what someone will pay, and

You're a filthy hippy, Jason, but I love that picture.

Those Metros are also putting less wear and tear on the roads.

But at one point, they were that purely sports car exotic brand. They were probably even more pure than their contemporaries, who've dabbled in GT cars at some point or another. I think the 928 is the closest Porsche ever got to that before the Cayenne and Panamera. They've definitely changed and no longer a sports

No, it's not. There isn't a group of women in this ad, just one.

Would #5 be sexist if it depicted a male instead? What were they supposed to do, photoshop a gender-ambiguous humanoid in there instead of something that actually looks like a person, when people are in fact one gender or another? The others are actually sexist, making broad, sweeping generalizations of character

I posted this the last time the F-150 Ecoboost motors were brought up, but I'll point it out again.

My dad has one of these trucks. The dealer tells him that moisture in the intercooler is causing the problem (a stuttering when on the throttle, most commonly at higher altitudes). Supposedly, there is a fix, but the

You were doing good until the asterisk. Just proves my point.

...maybe Black Bike Week is a problem, while White Bike Week isn't. Maybe one group is roudy, the other civil.

No, wait, this is Gawker. Apply race card and ignore all else when possible. I get it.

I was fortunate enough to attend last year. Fantastic show for sure, and a straight up bargain at 14 euros to get in. This sort of show can cost $200 to get into in the States, I believe. The highlight of the show, for me anyway:

These things. GET IT AWAY

The rumbling triggers have the potential to drastically improve racing and driving games, especially ones that are more simulation oriented like Forza. Real cars provide feedback through the brake pedal and this can tell you a lot about how much grip your tires have under braking. It will also kick back at you if

I haven't thought that directly, but I have thought while playing Forza: "Gee, if only the triggers provided some feedback like the pedals in my real cars do, this game would be about twice as good." Go go limited perspective!