

"And any fear creeping up on you with this newest incarnation of the 3D-printed gun might actually be manufactured."

But I love my spoiler alert!

One day, at least two decades form now, I may have to choose between buying one of these and trying to import a Sagaris. That will not be an easy day.

This car is way, way more gorgeous than that insect.


My dad is having that problem with his Ecoboost F-150. It must be far more than 100 people having the problem- Ford's fix is to replace the intercooler, and he has been waiting for the part for many months. They are severely backlogged on them. The dealer is telling him that moisture buildup in the intercooler is

Having not read the book but seen this movie, I can see what you're saying in points 1 & 2, but it doesn't really matter. This movie was about Daisy and Gatsby, not the themes that are apparently present in the book. I think if you look at the movie for its own sake and not as a straight adaptation of the book for a

Just like the union system, if franchised dealers really had something to offer, they will stand up without legislation to protect them. The sad thing is, I think they really could bring something that the massive car corporations themselves couldn't...but for the most part have opted to use their position to cheat

I've seen Forged cars at Road Atlanta many times and they are always ridiculously fast. They know what they are doing, and those cars wouldn't be out there if they were unsafe.

Why is this thing being compared to the big German cars? It's 5/E/6 size. Of course it outsold the 7/S/8, those things aren't going to move as fast as the mid-size!

I fully support this streak of absolute crazy Lamborghini's been on. I can't, however, condone the use of orange. That needs to stop.

3 questions here:

1. Consumer Reports has their drivers beat on cars for what appears to be fun?
2. Consumer Reports has a driver that has the ability and will to drive like that?
3. Someone that has the ability and will to drive like that but is on the brakes mid-slide?

I guess I will never understand. Perhaps #3 can be

The fact that he's black didn't even cross my mind until I read this post. Racism won't go away if you don't let it die.

That something is merely the perception that Tesla has turned into a viable company. Enough for you purposes for now, but that has absolutely 0 real meaning if you want to discuss whether or not the Model S is a good car.

Fun fact: coal power emissions are so radioactive that those plants are far more dangerous to be around than a normally operating nuclear plant. Neither is all that bad, really, as you're around radioactive materials all day long anyway.

So, how accurate is that score going to look when (if) those big fancy screens inside start having problems and/or batteries start needing to be replaced. I think the Model S is making great strides, but it's way, way too soon to say that it means the electric car has arrived. Check back with me in a decade, then we

Pretty disappointing to hear about the nannies on the 7-speed. I wonder if an ECU reflash could take care of them. I also think the value rating is fair. The base price isn't bad though and I'm pretty sure this car would do better without most of the options. People will still whine and say you could get a GT-R.

Nice price is winning, really? Those can be had with a Ford badge around here in better shape for half the price. Crack pipe all the way.

The fact that this person thinks a single truck can do any meaningful damage just tells me all I need to know about this story. I bet he spends half the day posting infographics and quote macros "proving" how corporate America is destroying the earth. NEXT.

Let's make it simple! If you're on a racetrack that's not a drag strip and you don't need to shift down to second while completing a lap, you're either in the car with the most torque on the planet, or you're on the wrong track. Corners make life better and keep tire companies alive.