
To add to jc's post, the companies gain capital and then are able to continue doing what they do, but only with more money, which means they will do it better if there are competent people at the top. Yes, it's easy to pick out individual companies that have wronged humanity in one way or another and still have your

Can you guys PLEASE quit the occasional political crap, or at least pretend to be impartial (in other words, don't just rehash typical Gawker views) if you absolutely must? Otherwise, carry on, good show, etc.

The one thing the Miata doesn't need is to be even more dangerous if someone hits you. Crack pipe. Give it a real roll cage, seats, and harnesses and we might could talk.

So, five years ago, how many iPods was Apple selling? 10 years ago? Maybe tablets will stay around, maybe they won't. You're way too short-sighted to be writing about tech.

Autocross is cheap. $160 + all those tires is getting pricey compared to some track days even.

Charlotte's light rail is nice to get on and actually ride, but it's tiny and not really a necessity. It follows I77 pretty closely, traffic is never a huge headache, and parking uptown is never too big of a hassle. It's a 10lb sledgehammer with a suede handle that Charlotte is using to nail some extra nails into a

15 years ahead of the trend, who could have known?

Bigger question: why are people so freakin' lazy that they would rather wait for something as trivial to buy as a camera battery to be shipped rather than going to a store and actually getting one?

This. With a warrant, the police bust your door down and tear up your house themselves. You don't give them a guided tour. They are free to do that with this hard drive, it is just much easier to encrypt a hard drive than it is to put Fort Knox in your basement.

Does the question imply present tense? The old 10-11-12 at Road Atlanta was presumed dangerous enough that 10 had to be totally redesigned to slow speeds in 11 and 12 for FIA. Coming into 11 that fast, throwing the car over the hill around a blind corner, and then carrying even more speed into 12 must've been

Did anyone that downloaded Pokki or complained about the lack of a button actually, ya know, use 8 for a bit without it? Or did they just see it missing and immediately look for a replacement? I gave Windows sans start button a try, and it took a couple of days to get used to, but now I don't want it back. The

Boycott F1. Watch Le Mans.

That first mind is full of...

ANYWAY, I would totally rock this:

How do you determine if politics have become too important to you? If you are willing to forget all the good things someone has done and completely write him or her off because they said one single, stupid thing, you might need to check your priorities. I know this is Gawker, but sometimes (well, very nearly all the

Absolutely not. That is more than I paid for my 986 that may have had double the miles but was nearly 20 years newer. I won't even go into how much more of a car a 986 is. You can get so much Z31, or a plethora of many other cars, for that money elsewhere. Seller is out of his mind.

So I guess the truck driver had absolutely nothing to do with this. I'm sure he wasn't given a citation or anything like that. Not his fault at all.


My primary reason for not being interested: Nothing facebook does isn't bug-ridden. I don't want my whole phone to be a bug report. No thanks.

Somehow, it went from looking like a solid car to a cheap Korean knockoff. I guess the styling's honest now at least.

"The Morning Shift- Yesterday's News, This Morning"

The entire article should just be reverse during these auto shows.