
I know it's an old and tired trope at this point (all new cars look the same!), but this is so strikingly similar to the new Lexus direction that it needs to be pointed out.

From Hyundai to Noble; I'd say that's quite an upgrade.

Both cars are fantastic. I went with an '02 base Boxster myself because I had already had 2 Hondas and wanted something mid-engined. But if those aren't considerations for you, you can't go wrong with either car. I'm not sure why you think the Boxster has dated styling, aside from the fried-egg headlamps. People


Oh wow, they're using the full course now! I can't find anyone that will put up some cash to do this with me (even though I know a few people that "like cars" and could afford it...)...hopefully one day I will be part of a team.

They discuss it. I grew up in SC and went through their driver's ed. I now live in NC. Both are just as bad, only the Ohio plates offer solace from people with the left lane hog syndrome. Not that they are particularly good drivers- they of course have to counteract that one bright spot with being excessively

Getting all The Italian Job in here.

Fascinating. I love this kinda stuff. One thing: "Scott said they’re an example of what a finished Super Replicas product looks like." Nothing in statement confirms that the pictures he sent are not of actual Lamborghinis. Just another way of saying, "our products look exactly the same, and here is a picture that

There's just P at the the top, not P and P2. From the sounds of it, the DPs, P2s, and DeltaWings will be balanced to a middle ground between them, with an emphasis on making sure it is easy for the P2 cars to change over to ACO/Le Mans specification. All in all, I don't have much bad to say about it. The two

Because someone's got to point it out.

Because someone is going to point it out.

Well that's stupid. What would be reasonable would be to expect no negative reaction for spending that kind of coin from your fellow pushpin enthusiasts. They might think it's ugly and it might not fit to their liking, but who are they, also wasting money on pushpins, to tell you that you are wasting yours?

I do like them. But I don't go around preaching about how terrible slaughterhouses and....the treatment of hops? are either. The fact that you (presumably, as you're on this site) like cars/have cars/want cars that are not 100% necessities and (again, presumably, just because of mere chance) don't give all your

You should quit liking cars.

This giant surface perpendicular to the side of the car. I forget the technical name for it. It's wild, functional, and not ugly. Also, it gives the car ones of the weirdest, most wonderful doors in the industry. A close second are the wheels, they give the car a good dose of understated class that somehow

Well, like I said, if you're passing, the people behind can just wait.

Wrong. I don't know how many times I've passed speed traps going 5-10 over, only not to be chased. Heck, I've passed cops on the interstate with the speedo showing 6 or 7 over, definitely outside the margin of error, and have been fine. You've got to remember that there is just as much of a chance of a cop being a

You should stay in the rightmost open lane unless you are passing or the road is just empty (cause then, why does it matter?). No exceptions. If you are speeding, what makes you think you are entitled to be a dick to another speeder?