
Missing Shadow of the Bat. One of my favorites.

A valid point? Sure. One I even agree with, to a point.

I actually don't agree with outlawing guns. I just hate seeing a well-thought post get replied to with a lame-ass platitude. Unlike Mattyh23, you actually made a valid argument by using your brain and your words. Regurgitating a sound-byte in response to this is disrespectful of the lives that were lost today.

Yes, let's reply to an impassioned plea based on the preservation of human life with a bumper sticker slogan. Because that's totally the best way to make a counter-point.

The movie wasn't bad. Lazenby, however, was. Utter crap.

I think I'm going to have to buy some individual lenses and take to Shapeways and see for how much cheaper I can make this thing.

I'm... interested in seeing it in 48fps. I'm not convinced it's a good thing. And not because of soap operas (no framerate is going to make those look less cheap). We've been looking at films shot at 24fps for over a century. It's not jerky and it doesn't look like strobing... it looks dynamic. If someone swings an

That... no. Just No. Goyer wrote all three Blade movies. The first wasn't TOO bad, but the others were 18 kinds of suck. He wrote the Nick Fury movie that starred David Hasselhoff. He wrote Batman Begins, which was fully solid, but he also did the story for Dark Knight and Dark Knight Returns... both of which, while

Can we all just agree to drop the "cost over two years" argument in regards to cell phones? Cell phones need service. No matter which one you buy, you'll need service. There isn't a cell phone out there that is making you buy some extra service that its competitors don't.

No, they're really not. Also, this is a republished article.

As long as this kind of thing goes on, I will definitely never switch to Android.

Can you quote me the part that implies that the agreement is "about to go critical"?

Maybe you should read the article. Here, I'll recap: HTC says that the agreed-to terms of its settlement with Apple are not what rumors would have you believe.

I don't know how you do it where you live in 1980s Soviet Russia, but here in the United States, public utilities and services like libraries, law enforcement, and parks are accessible to all citizens, regardless of their standing in society.

It's not stealing at all. That outlet is there for use by the public. My best friend had her son's thirteenth birthday party in that very same picnic shelter. We ran lights and an entire sound system for a band on that exact same outlet. The police (who were located in their substation TEN FEET AWAY) never said a

I live in Sarasota. In fact, I used to live right across the street from that park (the picnic shelter is located right next to a police sub-station).

Okay, it's official: you're a fucking idiot. First, you seem to be under the impression that Jesus made these maps; HE DID NOT. From the article: "Created by Mark Newman—from the Department of Physics and Center for the Study of Complex Systems, University of Michigan"

Dude, what's with the anger?

26 replies to you and I still get to be the first to call you out for claiming "Apple fanboy crap" on an article that clearly says that they recommend that readers not buy the product. Most of the article is dedicated to the flaws.