AC March

If Stafford will never get Detroit a championship — and he won’t — then why not roll the dice on a cheaper option? Maybe you find a diamond in the rough, maybe you don’t, but either way, it’s cheaper. I’d rather fail and not pay through the nose for it.

If you believe that Stafford will never lead this team to a Super Bowl — and he won’t — then the Lions are overpaying for failure. Better to draft someone new and pay less. Worst case scenario is they don’t win a Super Bowl, which is where they are now, only they’ve done so much cheaper. Best case scenario, they find

No, it’s “the opposite of more than 24 hours”. Jeez.

If you honestly believe there aren’t some people who would be offended Lee doing commentary, you’re naive. This is America. Offense is the currency of the land.

Hell, it could become a fun bar game, putting Rovell’a Tweet into sickening contexts.

Anywhere that thing is, BOMB IT UNTIL THE SAND TURNS TO GLASS.

Sean McDermott looks like an assistant manager at Lowe’s. I think he helped me find drywall adhesive a couple weeks ago.

Perhaps the video editor was watching Beavis and Butthead earlier, and had their tee-shirts in mind. Lord knows, B&B would be the idols of the Browns management, given their status as intellectual superiors.

Dumpster, this is fire. Fire, dumpster. I think the two of you will have a lot to discuss.

What about how there was some backlash in Japan for the game’s lifting of ideas from Phantasy Star 2, especially the perma-death of a major female protagonist?

What I find bad about this list isn’t the inclusion of low hanging fruit ... it isn’t the inclusion of classics like Sgt Pepper’s, Aenima or Kid A ...

Baby steps.

This WAS my favorite song on the black album. You bastard.

Just use promo code SUCKER.

In what world are Roland Deschain lawful good? He is a manipulator and a selfish asshole. Only in his youth, before Susan Delgado dies and he returns front Mejis, does Roland show any sign of lawful good.

Either this is a savage piece of sarcasm so dry it qualifies as a desert, or you’re gonna have to defend yourself. Since abortion is nothing to be jealous of and certainly not a fortunate occurrence, and she backed down off her OBJ “beef” once it came out how ludicrous and entitled she was.

Or, alternate viewpoint: the person who assigns mental illness to font choice is, themselves, batshit insane.

Theory #4 would make sense if it weren’t for the fact that they could have protected those young guys too, but instead chose to protecting alleging albatrosses like Abdelkader.

+1 angel in farrah slacks

I’ll take that any day over Aero. Bastard mascot of a thousand focus groups. What 90's kid thought “a bat in a circus is cool!”?