No Man’s Sky, just in the past four months, added creative and permadeath modes, difficulty settings, base building and vehicle building. All through patches.
No Man’s Sky, just in the past four months, added creative and permadeath modes, difficulty settings, base building and vehicle building. All through patches.
I’m sure it’ll sound something like “Trickle-down economics! Immigrants! Moose-limbs! MURICA!”.
I love the first letter’s comment about the country being built by men in jeans and torn apart by men in suits. Because the corned beef dirigible-in-chief and his cronies are all hard-working, blue-collar types coming to save you, right, pal? No suits there among the bankers, CEO’s, real estate barons and lobbyist…
No, it’s not worth a chuckle. Because it’s not a joke. It’s using a VERY well known symbol of hate as a malaprop. That’s not funny in the slightest. It’s tone deaf at best, and to presume anybody SHOULD find it funny is mind-blowingly insulting.
There’s no guessing.
THIS is the Sega CD game we get to revisit. Not Dark Wizard, not Silpheed, not the Lunar games or Vey ... THIS.
I’d rather read my mother’s obituary than read The Boondocks.
Weren’t they Ross Perot’s running mate in ‘92?
+1 can of Axe and +1 bottle of Monster
I watched my father physically abuse my mother for ten years. Black eyes. Busted lips. Everything. The last time he did it, he sent me out of the house to go play so he could “talk” to her. By talking, he meant strangle her. She was saved because she screamed so loud, the neighbors heard and called the cops.
+1 town chalked up for the Bad Guy
When someone suggests you “tie one on” to celebrate something, this is not what they mean, Aaron.
As Orville Redenbacher said, do one thing and do it better than anyone.
I don’t know what you’re talking about! Ain’t no spring training facility around here and there never was! *slams gate shut on the Spring Training Cafe*
Sonic took it from Crash. But he took off the “mate” at the end, and voila, attribution!
Nintendo’s allergy to good decisions continues.
No mention of IGN’s lazy, uninspired GTA movie announcement?
I legit can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or serious. So, I’m just gonna give you the benefit of the doubt, not be condescending, and walk away.
Isn’t every scene in Garden State torturous?