Except I agree with that other supposedly objectively shitty opinion, so, by definition, it wasn’t objective.
Except I agree with that other supposedly objectively shitty opinion, so, by definition, it wasn’t objective.
I felt a disturbance. As if every PF Chang’s in the Bay Area cried out for their lost revenue ... and then went silent.
I’m picturing the Patriots and the NFL working together like a wacky mismatched buddy cop movie like Tango & Cash.
There was never a ring to recover.
For the same reason the headline doesn’t mention the other women victimized in this hack: marquee value.
Since the Zelda timeline(s) is (are) already a preposterous mess, is it unreasonable to suggest that maybe it doesn’t fit because it isn’t supposed to? Perhaps it is a FOURTH timeline.
Exactly. So why rent a player who wants more than you can give so you can lose out on a better draft pick, struggle up to the 8 and get popped in 5 games? What tangible benefit did this provide NOLA?
How about what were the Pelicans thinking? They got a player who has openly said he wanted to stay in Sacto, and has pretty much guaranteed he wouldn’t sign if traded. So they’ve rented a player to ... make the 8 seed and get jailsexed by the Warriors? How is this better?
First the gymnastic team.
“Where’s the joke” is a common question regarding PewDiePie.
The NCAA already said “no, we’re good” to Baylor back in November. Now that the conference “punished” them, I can’t see why the NCAA would double-down. That’s not their style.
+1 removed statue
Unless it’s within Comerica Park. Then it’s $16.
Kevin DuBrow is probably not the best example, given his being dead for a decade.
+1 death by dysentery
What else would it be about? The Stanley Cup?
Congratulations, Curt. You’ve come full circle and trolled yourself.
Flour tortilla tacos are for ignorant gringos who think Don Pablo’s is fine Mexican food. Corn or bust.
Poor Agrajag.
And you’re also making assumptions based on one side of the story. We’ll never know the truth.