

Baylor is the largest Baptist university in the world.

And he would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn’t for those meddling kids the liberal media...

Tom Brady is a secondary wait that’s true...

Yeah, but are they selling them on Etsy?

I'm guessing the daughters' names are ofPaul1, ofPaul2, and ofPaul3, right?

Holy Shit the “Game 5’s” used as a plural...aaaaaaaaargh

Butler did OK by the Pats the last time there was a horrible slant...

She thought they were coming by to swim in her neighboorhood pool

So is the Har-bod a thing now? I think I threw up in my mouth a little bit.

The banality of Hatred?

Come for the whorship, stay for the cummunion...

Child molestation = youthful indiscretion... health insurance for everyone = Satan's plan to end the world????

Steve Sewell

Hey man, you got my textbooks ready yet?

Pete Rose was banned for f***ing life on less evidence...

42-year old grammar cop here...if you are going to correct a f***ing 9-year old via your Intarweb comment, please do it without any “who’s” or“why’s” used as plurals thankyouverymuch...

It’s not like my husband can throw the ball and deflate the ball at the same time...

I need to know because I’m going to a hot tub party over at Chmura’s house...