Jeb! And The Holograms

That has taken the place of traditional methods of closing out a letter 

You need to add in a provision that said NFL owner can only be subsequently treated by his team’s concussion protocol specialist.

Better solution. Every year the fans get to pick one player and one owner to face off in the octagon for five minutes.

Bayless is a dipshit troll. You’re better off dismissing them.

Sorry, no. Ethics without morality would imply that they are somehow ethically bound to act in a way designed to further immoral policies—or that they are ethically bound to assist while embracing an amoral philosophical structure. There’s no good reason to assign either of those concepts to this.

These writers should know better, is my point. When you style yourselves the smartest people in the room, you’re not allowed to be this dumb about basic stuff like how the government operates.

Yeah, I’m good with people being able to ask their predecessors for help. Our government is an amazingly complex machine, and there are very few people who’ve actually managed it. They should be able to talk to each other about the actual mechanics of doing the job and the unique stresses of it.

Sometimes the writers on this site sound insightful and really bright. Sometimes, those very same writers sound so unbearably immature and inane that you have to recheck the byline.

It’s hard to know how to feel about all this.

But he hasn’t done anything yet. He’s a batshit insane rando, and there are a lot of those out there. Why even elevate him?

This is on Tyronn Lue. If he had put the Roomba in instead of JR Smith, this never would have happened.

To be this really a story? Simply running for office isn’t a high bar to get over, especially since he’s not being endorsed by any major party. Crazies exist all over the place (even if this brand of crazy is, umm, on a totally different level).

Out of the dozens of Kurt Cobain guitars she has, she gave this one to her husband. I suspect if the roles were reversed - that is, a guy giving his wife a guitar, then the wife being awarded the guitar in the divorce settlement- there wouldn’t be any outcry at all.

The saddest part is that he will be able to recall each of these moments perfectly for the rest of his life. Meanwhile J.R. Smith can’t remember the score for more than three seconds.

had raised $26 million in 2017 (in addition to $4 million for its associated Super PAC, America First Action)

Right? And his main concern was that he wasn’t going to get an Emmy? WTF

To even be able to broach impeachment as a possibility, Democrats would need to have a truly remarkable midterm election outcome.

I heard an interview w/Laurie Metcalf on NPR where she basically waved it all off saying that she thinks this is just a persona that Roseanne puts on. All I could think was, is that supposed to make it OK?