Jeb! And The Holograms

I doubt this would win. Nothing is being abridged and this law does apply equally. The simple answer is dont speed/park where you are not suppose to. Maybe pay the $10 to change a light. Learn to wrench your own car. Not a hard thing to do.


Sentence structure is far too complicated for even an alter-ego to come up with.

This is exactly right.
He’s a protection racket that still burns your fucking store down after you pay him.

She’d need to have some integrity to begin with, and we all know that train left the station long ago.

True fact, ambien can make you do and say weird strange things.

Holy shit, he even managed to get one of his burner accounts verified. Look at this:

we’re eventually going to get the reason for the anonymous source outing Colangelo, and it is going to be so petty and stupid and beautiful. i will cry.

This is such BS. I’ve worked with Colangelo. He would never do this. Would a man with such normal collars even think to do this? He’s a class act.

Bryan Colangelo being taken down by advanced statistical analysis of his burner Twitter accounts is possibly the best example of poetic justice that I have encountered in my life.

Oddly, I haven’t seen an article from Splinter today on the former Bernie staffer who started working for the Trump campaign on a Don’t Vote project:

Legitimate criticisms of the Clintons are fine. I have no issue with criticizing any person for any shit they do worth criticizing. Criticizing them for the sake of criticizing them, when they haven’t done anything to warrant the criticism, the way Krueger did here to Chelsea, and the way they regularly do to Hillary

>>>>”Yeah fuck Splinter for constantly dragging the Clintons into the limelight, booking their speaking engagements, ghostwriting their memoirs blaming everyone but themselves for 2016 and inserting them into the public sphere at every available opportunity. “

If you have to be told to do this you probably don’t have real chemistry with the other person. This shit makes me sad.

>>>>I’d like you to try this: Just post one item about one of the Clintons without including an unnecessary dig at them.”

Come to think of it, some of the most disturbing things I’ve ever seen in a bathroom were in women’s public restrooms.

Have you ever been in a bathroom used only be a woman, let alone one with multiple women? They’re fucking disaster zones.

Never underestimate the disgustingness of men.

You say that, but I still haven’t gotten my check from him for all the vandalism and rioting I did.

I mean, if nothing else, you have to be impressed with Soros’ work ethic. The man hustles. What with him selling out Jews to the Nazis while also running the Jewish globalist conspiracy to take over the world and destroy Christmas and take your guns away and force you to gay marry an abortion.