
the simple roll bar covering its rear glass.” Tell me you know nothing about trucks without saying you know nothing about trucks. 

Timely article.

Pepperidge Farm has an excellent memory, but has apparently forgotten in the interim that automatic transmissions generally are more efficient, faster, and have a higher gear count than manuals nowadays.

Something I’m amazed at all the time is the safety of today’s vehicles.

The giant police SUV with flashing lights (and a dashcam) wasn’t enough to keep this from happening. A few cones aren’t going to make a difference. 

We can agree to disagree on that statement. 

Yeah cool - do you drive in rural parts of your state or the ones surrounding it? And when you do you have never gone above the speed limit or above 70mph? And it’s all for safety reasons? I call bullshit.

This is not good, the more and more we let the government force their way into our lives the worse we put ourselves. Sure maybe right now all they’re doing is enforcing the law, but what happens when they decide to just shut off your car. Sure, maybe it’s not a possible scenario now, but what about in the future? The

Yeesus, Bradley. This article is bad, your take is bad & short sighted, and your responses to the comments seem to be the equivalent of “I know you are but what am I,” second grade playground chat. Gosh, coming to Jalopnik is like opening the fridge 100 times when you are hungry hoping that something delicious

Wtf is this nerd shit. 


This feels a bit like we are being trolled.

Wannabe Road Crayons make all motorcyclists look bad. This guy sucks.

Aw shucks, guys. Thank you. Just trying to give folks a little chuckle. 

Soooo..... just Florida? What about Georgia EVs? Or California? Something about the flat-land sunshine state? I guess you’re saving those states for follow up stories.

With enough lube you can get one up there.

I am going to go with the most obvious, Porsche using the word Turbo on their EV.

I’m not sure ‘its headlights were taycan’ is getting the recognition it deserves.

The cost of using Uber daily is untenable.

I’ll be 70 next month an drive a Ford Focus ST with stir your own shifting.