You can get a better one for the same or less money. This one sold last year with fewer miles, no wash title issues, and no mods for the same money. Plus it’s the more desirable 3.2L/6-speed car.
You can get a better one for the same or less money. This one sold last year with fewer miles, no wash title issues, and no mods for the same money. Plus it’s the more desirable 3.2L/6-speed car.
If you have the money to buy this and you want one so badly, keep saving your pennies until you can buy one that’s less of a crapshoot. ND.
Age + Miles + Sketchy Title + Price = NFD
You’re a master baiter.
My lord the Buick Encore GX is a funny looking thing.
The grille, my eyes!
Honda Fit definitely should come back. Nice car all around except for the crappy seats which gave me awful back pain. Yeah, I know after market seats are an option....
It's pretty clean, and the miles aren't bad for the age, but as far as I'm concerned, a modern VW without a warranty is pretty much always a ND.
Looks good and seems priced right.
I’m just going to leave this here...
What the hell are you talking about? Not a single mention of top mount intercoolers in the article? Since when are hood scoops routing to air intakes?
They only get hate because they now make ugly, in-your-face designs, whereas they used to make stately, clean looking cars that were driver focused. The designs are like automotive trolling. They’re divisive on purpose to get attention.
...the Climate Comfort package now heats the instrument panel and dash in addition to the armrests, door cards and seats.
Such a stunningly fugly car.
$9K. For lights.
Oh... cool. At least it isn’t another anti-Tesla post that was rushed into the internets.
This is the coolest damn thing I’ve ever seen. All the more so because it’s so utterly pointless. I don’t care if the thing is incapable of having any sort of meaningful purpose. Or brakes. It’s a bike that goes sideways (and could probably spin in circles!), and my inner five-year-old doesn’t care about anything…
Infotainment, particularly the radio interface. I really hate how I have to go into the screen menu to brows/seek the stations. I also hate how everything is done through the screen. I hate having a stupid starter button, what was wrong with the fucking key? I hate how big the key is, I hate proximity lock/unlock. I…
I went NP because I think this is within negotiating distance. It appears to be in good condition, but I’d like to see under those seat covers.
As always, fuck dealerships.