
... “from an era when Chrysler was financially on the ropes.”

for what it is, an old school hot rod, it’s perfect. It projects just the right of menace and agressive stance. You’d have a hard time duplicating this for the $25 K and there’s even a bit left for you to put your own stamp on. NP.

I wouldn’t worry about doing anything to the brakes; if you find yourself hurtling towards a corner with no brakes you could just turn on the AC and stop in no time.

No Miata in the actual list.

As a rabid Mazda fanboy, I’d be lining up to buy one ASAP. If, you know, they actually make it. Especially in PHEV form. I want them problematic spinning triangles.

NP but I’m biased.  I love these things.

They’re all low-volume halo cars so probably not lol. With a couple exceptions, most of these are selling the amount they probably intended them to sell.

This is a silly list. Most of these are low volume vehicles that are expected to be low volume vehicles. A better look would be year-over-year sales or share of the segment they compete in. 

I wouldn’t pay that much for a low-miles 190D. They are slow crap. And I *like* slow cars. This is *insanely* overpriced.

The seller has three choices at this point:

^guy who inserts social commentary purely for the adulation.

The trick is to immediately get out of the car after you pull over and in full view of the officer’s dash cam and start chugging the alcohol on camera. That way they can’t get you for drunk driving, only public intox. Trust me, I saw it on TikTok.

If it was an automatic, definitely, but nobody wants to be driving around with a manual transmission in 2023. Century-old transmission tech = ND.

Nice price all fucking day long. When was the last time anyone saw one of these? Because I have NEVER seen one and I live in California. Be the instant star of any car show amongst the sea of boring Belairs and Mustangs. 

Chevy reliability? 

As a pedestrian, I‘ve literally never had an issue with vehicles turning right on red. That's because I'm an intelligent human being who understands that it's important to make eye contact with the driver of that vehicle, or otherwise ensure that they are clearly not going to start moving when I step in front of them.

Normally, I’d agree. But it seems like this article is yet another anti-car hit piece from this supposedly driving orientated magazine. Why do you hate cars and driving so much, Jalopnik?

Does the Cybertruck count as something you can buy right now?

The answer is probably just “BMW”.

Sorry Stephen, but I’m going to have to overrule you here. Buc-ee’s is the absolute shit if you’re traveling with your family and don’t mind a few extra minutes. I get that you were exaggerating for effect but I’ve never had to wait more than a few minutes for a gas pump, even when dealing with the traffic patterns