
Putting elite supercars on this list is stupid. 

Brad, I have always loved your articles. Please keep them coming.

They conveniently left out this was a homeless encampment. Crack heads in home made shacks. Who could have seen this coming?

Ever ask yourself why you get so much joy out of racism? Does writing this make you feel good about yourself?

Just keep voting blue then....

All manuals should be dead.

You are confusing California with America. It is it’s own third world country.

His narration is priceless...

good god...

“Because we don’t live in a real country that’s willing to do anything that might actually reduce the number of school shootings”

Most stated do not do safety inspections

They are almost 3K a wheel

Saying you are like Portland is not a good thing.

Two star crash test rating. I guess death traps are cheap to make.

Glad to be short and I love my ND.

I couldn’t tell you if my car even has AM.

Kids do not need to know how to drive a manual. They will be extinct shortly anyway.

Not just car manufactures. Most large factories get significant benefit moving to Mexico.

You have been ungreyed. Unfortunately I still am not.