
That is not how it works at all...

not wrong.

Reason number 437 not to live in that shit hole.

Wow, I did not know this was still a thing. Real ID was implemented in Georgia 10 years ago.

Manual transmissions do not need to exist in ICEs today. PDKs are better in every way.

Wasn’t this predicted by pretty much everyone?

You could not put on enough solar cells to really make a difference. If the entire car was covered in solar cells you might gain a mile or two a day.

This is a fantastic article! Thank you.

I live in Atlanta and daily my Miata. It’s perfect for this city.

Wonderful article. We need more like this.

You left out his pedophile credits. 

I am puzzled as to why anyone would eat this hot garbage.

Never going to happen. This is vaporware.

That car in the picture is not the car they will produce. It will not have most of that interior and it will not have suicide doors.

You took a long time to say it’s a BMW.

It’s not the governments job to prevent people from doing dumb stuff. We have laws for that. If you choose to break them and get caught, you get to pay for it. I mean look how well prohibition worked.

I did not need to drive one until I test drove one. Now I own one. If the car fits you it just works. You will know it within minutes of driving one.

My feelings exactly...

I test drove one and hated it. Given their value today, I wish I would have bought one but it was not pleasant to drive. I currently own a Miata and it is better in almost every way.