
Thanks Robb for this review! Well done and I am totally jealous of your job.

Shit the bed?

200 hp in a modern 3400+ lb what is suppose to be sports car? Really Honda, this is your best? Thanks for making my Miata look like a rocket ship. Hell the FRS could smoke this turd.


The RF is worse.

This is just Erin being the C-word that she is. Never actually read her garbage.

I don’t hate them either. Adblockers work folks.

Where is the video?

That’s fucking hilarious and sad all at the same time.

How much for this shit box??? WTF is wrong with people?


Please bring back reasonable sized grills. The current trend is a sh*t show.

Basically all of Erin’s articles are shit and she is not the only one.

Golf carts max at 25, not 15.

I love the Mazda dial. It’s way better than using the touchscreen.

This exactly. His bumper is above my roof line


They pushed out a buggy game with an old game engine with shit graphics and that’s not working? Color me shocked. 

The Datsun 1400 was not a bad vehicle. It was bad if you were tall but it was great for us shorties.

They really need to let them sue the dealer. A 19 year old will not have shit for resources and the dealer has insurance for things like this.