
Cheapest one on $28K

Thanks Bradley, no politics, no shitting on a billionaire, just a good story. We need more like it.

Shit roads and traffic. I will take any Appalachian state over CA.

807 hp for $61K? That makes me smile.

You nailed it with the opening picture.

Can we please make this a weekly post?

100% vaporware

To many pedals for what it is but regardless, still a NP in todays market.

Why the picture of a yellow one when that’s not even a color they offer? Blue is the only real color they have.

Plus you would get almost double the MPG

My MX-5 also regularly gets 35-40 mpg.

It’s jalopnick - not writers.

AT is the correct answer. 

Good god that is bad.

With proper lighting and tagging they are legal on the road where I live (Georgia). We even have special parking places at the local grocery and restaurants. 

BMW M4 - Heavy as hell clutch, first gear is so low it’s barely usable. I don’t know what I was thinking contemplating owning a BMW. Either way, Miata saved me.

It is very reliable but it’s not worth that much money. They will be lucky to get $4500.00. There is just very limited market for these bikes. 

I would not pay 24K for Mitsu anything.

That opening photo has to be the NASCARiest thing I have ever seen.