
That is so bad...

Dems play on the down trodden with no plans of changing anything. I hate them both.

Regurgitating a TikTok post about shopping at Costco with nothing to do about cars on a car blog.

We know they are going to go up. Hyperbole not needed. 

You included 10 previous generation to find things as stupid as the TikTok generation. So what you are saying is the TikTokers a stupid as fuck.

Period correct for the current administration.

jalopnik writers aint much for writin.

This really is not that bad of a price. You can drop 1M plus on a shit shack in LA or a microbox in NYC.

You really think you have democracy? You really think these is .10 cents worth of difference between the democrats and republicans. Do some research. There is not. These buffoons’ have two objectives, get reelected and take money from the lobbyists. Case in point, Maxine Waters. She is nuts and has represented south

Tuning carbs, especially these is really not that big of a deal. Maybe it’s daunting for those that did not grow up in the carb age but trust me, its nothing to be afraid of. Youtube is your friend on this one.

They are on their way to DC now. God Speed.

and tell me that has not been a hoot to watch.

A Golf? Really? Nice car but certainly not a luxury car.

For 30 large, there are tons of better choices. 

POS aside, Rob you have to be contemplating either suicide or quitting this shit site. I mean damn, you work with Erin, Andy and the likes. This used to be a car site. Now its a boner for all things Elon, Bezos and we must do away with all cars. NPND is about the only thing on here about cars. Oh, ND.

Hey asshat Andy, move or get off a car blog site. Who the F hires these douche bags anyway.

Agree. This is such a shit site now.

Guess what? More that three cities in the US. Fin moron.

Erin, you are a fucking idiot.

I did this with my 79 Datsun pickups manual trans. Trans came out great. Wife was less than pleased with the results.