
Money well spent.

Vaporware all day everyday 

Okay, that was funny. Thanks for the morning laugh Rob.

Why do you even let Jason make comments?

Joe appreciates all the additional listeners. Thanks Gawk. Keep up the lords work.

You know there are over 4400 out their. 49 is not that many but we know the douche bag writers on here all have Elon boners...

Well within their constitutional rights.

Good car or not, who could actually spend money on such a fugly car?

There is still terrestrial radio???

Police Constable Babs Parsons - Could this get more English?

You really think Brandon could spell Tesla?

I am in the electronic manufacturing business. We had one chip go from $4.00 to $200.00. 

Good for them.

Thanks Giz for making sure he gets a raise next year.

odds are very good

starred for chode chin...

And they won you fucking ass hats.

Jesus Tom you are a stereo type in real life.

I just dont get all the fear behind self driving cars. You have been on the road with human commandeered vehicles right?

Yes, it’s a POS.