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I had a 9-5 of the same vintage. I can confirm you are correct and you did not even mention the bitchen cup holder!

True to form - Erik shit on everything tesla Shilling.

On the positive side, you discovered a faulty fire extinguisher and no one got hurt!

Ah a shit on tesla article on Jalopnik - Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo original...

Same here

your virtue signaling is showing

This was the correct thing to do. I lived up in the NWA and I know Paul. People have to survive. Living has risks - especially up in the NWA. Pandemics are not going to hinder the ones that choose to live in areas like the NWA. Good for Paul and I hope it works out for him.

Two people died in a shit ton of vehicles this week but Tesla gets the nod because hating on Elon is easy writing. Finding something of interest must be a challenge for Jalop writers...

pissed off pile of razor blades - nailed it

I have only .01% issues with your comment.

Came to post the same. These things are brilliant.

Developers just do shit like this. I work at a tech company and our primary product has over a million lines of code. Hiding Easter eggs is easy to do. Yes many developers are quite juvenile...

That was awesome

Fucking phones. Do you really need to look at social media at every gad damn light? Just fucking drive to work. Look at your phone when you get there. 

They fall back to the ground at terminal velocity. A little over 200 mph. Highly unlikely to kill anyone.

I can’t believe he did not use the lights or siren! 

I don’t have a problem with screens but tech ages very very badly. What is this going to look like in ten years? It is going to make a very expensive car look very out dated. Look at a 10 year old Miata today. Perfectly acceptable. This will not be...

You should write for this rag.

so true on this site

That’s why I read all of his articles.