
How dare Indian not give you a fully decked out bike with heated grips. If you are going to be in any cool weather they are a must.

Why aren’t they capable of designing any car that is not hideous anymore?

Shutting down the pipeline did not help.

Yeah another shit on Elon piece. You guys are so fucking sad.

we found that guy.

It’s certainly not $50K worth of power.

That state is such a shit hole. Democrats have just made the a giant turd out of what use to be a great state. Well done assholes.

Who makes up the titles for these shitty articles? Tesla is a minor fraction of what is going on here. You really sink so low that you just plug Tesla in anywhere to get click bait? How about decent writing to get viewers? Naw... talent is expensive. Such hacks.

I too only com to jalopnik for comments. There are a few that I read, Bradley and Torch but this particular miserable F. I refuse to read her garbage.

Last one but this is pretty awesome.

A lot has changed. Covid cases are down 70% in the last 6 weeks. There are predictions that we will have herd immunity by April.

Most EVs (at least in the US) are coal burning so you are ultimately still burning fossil fuels for transportation.

I would say this would be horrifying if they hit a kid of any race.

In GA as well. You have to be 16 and have a valid motorcycle license but getting a license on one of these would be ease. 

All around camera view. My last two cars have had it and now I hate driving cars without it.

I hope my kids die at 100 from covid.

Thank you Bradley. As always your writing is great.