Jeb! & The Holograms

Someone is going to die as a result of participating in these games and they may die on live TV.

But without a bidding process that involves numerous corrupt governments, how will the IOC get their regularly scheduled dump trucks full of bribes, hookers and drugs?

Remove “this.”

Justice Sotomayor: “Mr. Goodell, we’ve already ruled in favor of Mr. Brady.”

I was gonna say, a lot of Daniel’s saintly soccer moms are wine-guzzling pillheads.

Ah, soccer moms. Truly the pillar that holds America upright.

“I’m not racist, but...”

I honestly wonder if Trump could pick up most of the Bernie supporters if he started promising “free tuition and I’ll make the colleges pay for it!”

I’ve been giggling like an idiot for the past 5 minutes. +1

You’re aware that there’s been “talk” of banning MMA since the mid-90s, way before a ton of entrenched media conglomerates and various multi-billion dollar companies were making bank off it, yeah?

I wasn’t aware the NFL was making an IPO.

Dana and the Fertittas see the writing on the wall. They know the market is oversaturated and with a real dearth of star power (created by their own hands, MLB-style), this money train is gonna pull into the station soon enough. They bought fairly low, so they might as well sell high.

This show is going to be the sports equivalent of a graphic Discovery Channel documentary about how a human centipede would work if it was real.

Also, moisturizer on my face is a one way bullet train to Pimple City.

What’s crazier, to me, than defending a child molestation apologist/enabler because he coached a football team to a lot of wins is defending a child molestation apologist/enabler because he coached a football team to a lot of wins before you even attended the fucking school and thus had zero actual impact on your life.

This. It’s not even close. For as artsy-fartsy as Radiohead gets, they’re still a rock band (if a boring one). The Flaming Lips are a “LOOK AT ME” avant-garde performance art project that dabbles in music from time to time.

Just because he won’t have a penny to his name a year from now doesn’t mean he’s broke now.

“’s necessary for her to go see her grandparents on Christmas.”

As a parent, this is the correct answer. I would never even dream of taking my 2 year old on a plane unless she hadn’t slept for 18 hours before boarding and had her stomach pumped full of carbs and starch shortly before takeoff.

Well, yes and no. I have no idea if Giri drinks, but I’m 100% certain he smokes all the weed.