Jeb! & The Holograms

Not for nothing, I have a cousin who eats like a fucking raccoon, never works out and yet never gains a pound. It’d be hilarious if I didn’t want to stab him in the eye with a pencil.

45% of the country would vote for two of my toddler’s soiled diapers each if I painted a donkey on one and an elephant on the other.

If you’re someone who internalizes the pain of dealing with something and repurposes it in the form of self-deprecating humor (hi, 99.8% of comedians!), there are things that you can say about yourself as a joke that sound like laser-accurate insults that prey upon your worst insecurities and neuroses from a stranger

Oh, shut the fuck up.

As a former fat kid, that’s not how it works. I can make jokes about things about myself that you, a stranger, cannot.


Presumably the dude as well.

Go shout slurs at some brown folk, you waste of flesh.

So because the boy was in danger at some point before the photo was taken, it was irresponsible to take the photo when the danger had subsided.

He is probably one of the least healthy men in America who can still get around without needing assistance.

And at the time that photo was taken, the car was not moving and those two individuals were not headed anywhere.

While it’s certainly illegal to be behind the wheel of a vehicle while intoxicated, the danger posed by an individual who is unconcious due to a heroin overdose behind the wheel of a stationary vehicle is zero.

And as if signaled by the heavens from beyond the horizon, lo, on come the waves of idiots and morons to call me a fascist and bludgeon me with a #wellactually followed by a bunch of ill-informed fart noises, much like anything that ever follows a #wellactually.

Also, name something that isn’t propaganda.

The child was in no immediate danger and crime scene photos are SOP.

This is, hands down, one of the whiniest, most petulant, “FUCK THE POLICE SKATEBOARDING IS NOT A CRIME” posts I have ever seen around here, in the Gawker B.C. OR Gawker A.D. eras.

Bernie lost lol

“We want Jared to take the time to learn from a seasoned vet like Case.”

Decent chance that “unjust enrichment” applied here. Microsoft wanted to keep their mistake off the record, but likely would have been able to retrieve the prototype without much trouble if they wanted to go public.