
Not much she can do? Kristina will need loads of help around the house, with an infant and a teenager with Asperger's. Is Adam going to quit work? Haddie could help with Nora and Max, drive Kristina to appointments, take care of her when she's ill with the chemo, grocery shop, cook, clean etc.

Oh! That made me sooooo angry. To lie to your daughter like that, to cut her out. I saw red. 
My grandmother got sick when I was away at school, and it still makes me upset that everyone conspired to keep the truth from me. I never got to help take care of her, or even to say good-bye.

Oh! That made me sooooo angry. To lie to your daughter like that, to cut her out. I saw red. 
My grandmother got sick when I was away at school, and it still makes me upset that everyone conspired to keep the truth from me. I never got to help take care of her, or even to say good-bye.

I don't understand the B+. The pee jokes were just…painful. Last night the show made me experience self-loathing. I deleted it from my series recordings. There are other mediocre shows out there that don't make me hate myself.

I don't understand the B+. The pee jokes were just…painful. Last night the show made me experience self-loathing. I deleted it from my series recordings. There are other mediocre shows out there that don't make me hate myself.

When she talked about the animals, and how she realized they were fighting over Lexie, a physical shiver went up my spine. I can't remember the last time a TV show did that to me.

When she talked about the animals, and how she realized they were fighting over Lexie, a physical shiver went up my spine. I can't remember the last time a TV show did that to me.

Actually, I kind of wondered if they were going to write Juliet out of the show. If she forgets Nick and their whole relationship, that gives them a way to just reset the whole thing. Juliet is one of the pieces that really doesn't work.

Actually, I kind of wondered if they were going to write Juliet out of the show. If she forgets Nick and their whole relationship, that gives them a way to just reset the whole thing. Juliet is one of the pieces that really doesn't work.

Quebec in 1966 was in the middle of the Quiet Revolution. Megan, at 26, would have grown up under the Duplessis government, and would have been educated by the Catholic Church. At the time of this episode, we are less than a year from Expo '67, eighteen months away from the formation of the Parti Quebecois, and four

I'm not sure why, but at the end of last season, continuing in this one, my vision of Megan's mother was of one of the housewives from Les Belles Soeurs. Julia Ormond in this case was an especially big shock. 
I feel like we know so little about Megan, so anything goes.

Julia Ormond's accent was terrible, in both French and English. And she was far too young. Isn't Megan the youngest of several children?

Well, they made the specific point that the crossbow could be non-lethal. The first bolt was filled with something (hellebore?) that would tranquilize rather than kill, leaving the second, filled with hemlock, as the kill shot if required.

"…shooting a crossbow, which is a bloodier and easier to trace weapon than the kind of gun Nick could easily obtain."

Actually, I never liked Snow Patrol very much until I saw them live. Some friends dragged me, and they put on a terrific show. I went home and listened to their music again, and it was much improved. Funny how that works.

"Oooh, floor bacon!"
 I died.

Ha! Did her character even have a name? I kept waiting for one…

I am still watching, but…I don't know how much longer I can continue. The creature of the week is getting seriously old. We've now had 11 episodes, and little-to-no forward momentum on the overarching story. (And no, I don't count a finger in a box and one mysterious phone call actual forward momentum.) How can the

Yeah, I'm in the camp where this is not as bad as it seems. He is indeed her bosses boss, but in a job that is by definition temporary. She's still working in the coffee shop too. And he's not leering at her like a sleazebag. He's in his 20's, I think (late), and seems impressed with her good qualities, not just her,

Hmm, I'm guilty of using this phrase in my old job, but with my crazy boss. We'd have conversations like, "the box will take 6 weeks to manufacture if everything goes well." And she'd say, "well, that's unacceptable. I want it next week." And it would go on like that for quite some time, with her wanting me to violate