
Yes, I understand that. But they're not really expensive, are they? Nobody in a bar would give him a dollar for a machine? I'm just pointing out that Cece, for example, would have been more likely to give him money rather than a condom. Each individual incident was funny, but the story as a whole fell apart for me.

I really liked this episode, but the Winston plot just kinda threw me. I've never been to L.A., but I quite literally live on an island. And there are two 24 hour pharmacies in within 10 minutes of me. Not to mention every gas station, convenience store, etc. sells condoms. On Sundays even. It's only been in the last

Well yeah, but that's weird by itself. Alicia is made a verbal offer, but there's no mention of buy-in. (Although, surely the term "equity partner" is descriptive?) I don't know, the whole thing seemed strange to me. Like surely as lawyers there would be contracts to sign filled with all kinds of details.

Anyone else notice Renard wearing a wedding ring? Was that just some sort of continuity error? We've seen no evidence of a wife up until now.

Anyone else notice Renard wearing a wedding ring? Was that just some sort of continuity error? We've seen no evidence of a wife up until now.

"Will tells Finn he’s an adult now, and for the first time, Finn feels like an adult."
Well, yeah. He's what, 30? Something like that? Hard living man.

"Will tells Finn he’s an adult now, and for the first time, Finn feels like an adult."
Well, yeah. He's what, 30? Something like that? Hard living man.

I agree about Amanda Peet. And anyone else notice how Alicia mentioned that Peet was being pressured to quit? Maybe she'll come over to the civilian side…

I agree about Amanda Peet. And anyone else notice how Alicia mentioned that Peet was being pressured to quit? Maybe she'll come over to the civilian side…

I really enjoyed how Emily is letting Amanda in on some of the plans.

I really enjoyed how Emily is letting Amanda in on some of the plans.

I don't know… a D seems kinda harsh. I agree it wasn't the best of the season, but I liked the interaction with Mulan, following Emma's orders, and the developing relationships between Emma and Snow, and Snow and Aurora were quite good.

I don't know… a D seems kinda harsh. I agree it wasn't the best of the season, but I liked the interaction with Mulan, following Emma's orders, and the developing relationships between Emma and Snow, and Snow and Aurora were quite good.

This! I kept trying to work out the timeline. Like, her mother killed Daniel, forced her to marry the King, then she met Rumpelstiltskin, sent her mother through the mirror, then went back to Rumpel for magic school, learned enough to freeze Daniel…. All while his body was still fresh?

This! I kept trying to work out the timeline. Like, her mother killed Daniel, forced her to marry the King, then she met Rumpelstiltskin, sent her mother through the mirror, then went back to Rumpel for magic school, learned enough to freeze Daniel…. All while his body was still fresh?

See, I assumed it was a self-sabotaging move brought on by stress. I had a friend who shoplifted when she was super stressed, and it was really a weird compulsion. She wouldn't want to do it, and it wasn't stuff she wanted or needed, but she would take it anyway.

See, I assumed it was a self-sabotaging move brought on by stress. I had a friend who shoplifted when she was super stressed, and it was really a weird compulsion. She wouldn't want to do it, and it wasn't stuff she wanted or needed, but she would take it anyway.

What was amazing was the way he really, really committed to the role…by shaving his entire body. Seriously, the view of him with the smooth hairless Ken body - EEEK. Of course, he was wearing a shirt with his costume, so nobody else could tell.

What was amazing was the way he really, really committed to the role…by shaving his entire body. Seriously, the view of him with the smooth hairless Ken body - EEEK. Of course, he was wearing a shirt with his costume, so nobody else could tell.

Not much she can do? Kristina will need loads of help around the house, with an infant and a teenager with Asperger's. Is Adam going to quit work? Haddie could help with Nora and Max, drive Kristina to appointments, take care of her when she's ill with the chemo, grocery shop, cook, clean etc.