
But in that case the portal had to be open, for radio contact to happen. I'm sure they mentioned this previously. Did they leave it open the whole time? Then why did Shannon have to open it?

One thing I don't understand is how the Phoenix group took over Hope Plaza in the first place. A…fake radiation leak? Or something? That would make everyone just…go away? And never investigate why all kinds of people, cargo and machinery are entering and exiting this supposedly dead place?

This! It reminded me of the bomb episode of WKRP. "How can we announce we are off the air when we are off the air!"

I actually took this as a sign that these people have known each other a loooong (unspecified) time. I saw the Sheriff thinking "whatever, crazy-pants, I do not have time to deal with your weirdness right now", and moving on with his wolf hunt.

YES. It's a deer, not a dragon. Eek. And the show is shot in British Columbia. There are approximately eleventy-billion deer here. Seriously. Deer are a menace to gardens in freakin downtown Vancouver. I simply can't believe that they couldn't film some deer footage. I mean, deer must run by the cameras twice an hour

The Angela Landsbury character doesn't need to be that much in control. If your plan is to wait for a Congressman or Senator to do something stupid that gets him kicked out within a certain timeframe (i.e. while Brody is still newsworthy), that doesn't seem like such a big gamble, frankly.

This! Exactly what I was thinking. We barely see Abu Nazir even interact with the kid. All we have is his initial introduction to Brody. And Nazir seemed definitely off during the wrapping for burial scene. He most certainly did not come off like someone grieving for the loss of his own child.

Well, she's only worked there a few weeks. Surely she is well within any probationary period? There doesn't need to be cause in this case.

Actually, the birth father is necessarily a dick. If he were a stand-up guy, the conflict with Zoe would be about keeping the baby, and trying to make a go of it with your great but poor and struggling boyfriend. The fact that she has no such fantasies at all says quite a bit about him. Couple it with the fact that