
what’s TSB?

Ugh. Just realized “Migos” might be short for amigos. #friendos ... so late.

I’ve now watched three Splinter videos and they suck. Is that the best you can do to describe the blatant discrepancy in the way minorities are treated by police compared to blacks?

Lol, even now the ad lib is kind of cringe-y. Like, look over my shoulder to see if parents materialise out of thin air to give me a look.

I can’t find the “L’Oreal Hydroboost” online.

Can you please finish this review??? WITH SPOILERS?! Your takes on the whole thing are hilarious. I was waiting with bated breath and mirth filled eyes to see how you would describe what went down in Wakanda.

Ehh... Danielle, did you feel that there wasn’t a lot of substance to her responses? That she wrote these provoking lyrics but had no real explanation for them?

Didn’t it come out with the Freddie Gray case that most police have templates that they can use to quickly fill out the paperwork?

Pretty sure they like things the way they are. Remember, many of them get kickbacks for looking the other way.

What a nightmare for everyone involved.

Any personal recommendations?

I don’t understand why there are still so many articles with false info— saying that he didn’t get the promotion.

My first thought... Cssualty of Gentrification.

I say rescind Michael Blackson’s invitation to this hackneyed cookout too.

Missed the “Filed to” label and made it well into the second paragraph before I started thinking, what the heck? Nice.

So many great one liners... thanks for this.

Did he fire his copyeditor? Is spell check too liberal for him? Why wouldn’t someone in his administration take 5 minutes to proofread his proclamation? It’s 2018.

After reading this I had to reluctantly go and watch the newly released videos. All I could think was, “what type of magical negro (even amped up on drugs) gets shot THREE times in the chest at close range and then SITS UP? Like, so ridiculously unbelievable.

Umm, might be naive here but I honestly think it wasn’t a bad idea creatively. I really wonder at the rationale/ creative process of the teacher who came up with it. Not only that, I don’t think black history or good poetry should be recognized only one month out of the year. Indulge all year long.

After reading this I had to reluctantly go and watch the newly released videos. All I could think was, “what type of magical negro (even amped up on drugs) gets shot THREE times in the chest at close range and then SITS UP? Like, so ridiculously unbelievable.