
Try harder.

You need to meet the greyhound people. We’re...special.

Because double checking the license plate, make and model and asking the driver to confirm your name are too burdensome? Please.

This captures my feelings so well, especially because these fuckers make me want to have a teeth-gnashing hissy fit, but I don’t have the energy. There is so much stupid being showcased in that committee.

Now imagine Miranda and Gavin together.

Do like me, I make paper dolls of them and then eyeball them as I put their paper doll into the shredder.

I’ll bet the Max you’ll Nev-er see this on MTV.

He’s actually all the hotter for it, especially his owning of it. His wife is luuuucky

Selfie Stickitis.

You shouldn’t smear dog crap on your neighbor’s door, sure. But also, you need to pick up after your dog. That’s part of what you sign up for when you adopt a dog.

1. What kind of self-respecting member of the LGBTQ community would have Chris Brown perform in the first place?! Seriously though. Wtf. Shame.

Chris Brown = not surprised at all. Why does anyone keep inviting him to perform??

No one who practices a minority religion would EVER try to pull shit like this, because they know exactly what would happen to them in particular, and their religion as a group, in a hot second. It’s always protestant Christians who not only feel entitled to do the discriminating, but have the motherfucking gall to

Clear eyes, full hearts, fuck that guy, right?!

I came here expecting something terrible. I'm pleased to be wrong.

Like, we didn’t even get the Constitution right the first time.

Or the time they sued a forest in South America for copyright infringement.

Nothing to do with first day of school....but you know those paper fortune tellers kids make? In 4th grade this boy in my class made one of those with one the fortunes as“You will fart.” Hilarious as a 4th grader and I still think it’s hilarious today! My 4th grade teacher got really mad when she saw it. Then she

First day of 5th grade, I was a quiet/nerdy only child, who had spent the summer going to another elementary to their day band camp, and did not play any sports or go to overnight camps. So I was not in the “cool” group and was a target for being picked on as a “know it all”, “teachers pet” etc. Well after a

It was recess and these two boys thought they would chase after my friend and I. I told them to stop chasing us but they said we really loved it and actually wanted them to chase us. Ah, rape culture at 6 years old! As the two boys were about to run at me to catch me at the same time, I dove out of the way and they