
Felines are freakishly strong and fast relative to size, even sick/starved ones. If my 12 lb house cat wanted to kill me bad enough, she might could.

A classic

Sounds crazy, but it’s your best shot. You can’t outrun it.


Is it terrible that I feel bad for the cougar too? Sounds like it was sick and starving. Really unfortunate all around.

It’s like an Onion headline, except real. This shit is reality now.

Russian trolls. They got to work real quickly after this one. They’re getting faster. Lots of practice, I guess.

Tori Spelling is hawking these things on Insta right now too, in conjunction with some obviously and somewhat messily Photoshopped pics. I love my Tori, but she is a messy one.

Sadly, he will probably end up the target of death threats because of these remarks. Because he’s right, and for a huge swath of our population, that is an existential threat. Which means that this is America’s normal now, and for the foreseeable future.

THISSSSS. The harsh truth - that the “baby sleep industry” DOES NOT want you to know - is that your baby will sleep when s/he sleeps. There’s little you can do to affect their sleep cycles, short of establishing a routine and sticking to it (and even that is very difficult and sometimes pointless with a very young

Jesus Christ, this just gets more and more disturbing and depraved. I’d guess he has behaved inappropriately with hundreds if not thousands of patients over the years - that it was the norm for him and not the exception. I saw an older male gyno at my student health center when I was an undergrad at UGA back in the

My point is that what people believe is their own business. There’s very little, if anything, that anyone can do to change their minds. This particular asshole made his beliefs everyone’s business by verbally attacking, harassing, and threatening innocent people in a public space. That type of behavior is not

Fuck every single one of the commenters in this thread saying this backlash is unfair. He didn’t publish a newsletter proclaiming his conservative beliefs, for christ’s sake. HE YELLED AT AND THREATENED PEOPLE WHO WERE DOING THEIR JOBS AND MINDING THEIR BUSINESS, FOR NO REASON. He 100% brought all of this negativity

Here’s the thing - he can believe whatever he wants. The shaming serves to discourage the antisocial behavior, not the beliefs. There’s nothing anyone can do to change these people’s minds. It’s the behavior that’s the problem. If he wants to stand silently and seethe about people speaking a foreign language in his

He can’t even claim that this shit is demonstrating “conservative values” - what he did is just straight up antisocial hatefulness. I know plenty of conservatives who would never do anything like this. They may have their wrongheaded private opinions about immigrants or whatever, but would never cross the line like

Technically, she got arrested for nutting up and getting mouthy with the cops who asked her not to stick her hands into someone else’s car without their permission. Correct response: “Yes sir, very sorry” and walk briskly away. Incorrect response: everything this crazy bitch did. Like when has “LET GO OF MEEEE” ever

White baby boomer entitlement at its finest. “I have the right of way in any and all situations, if you get hurt it’s your own fault for not automatically yielding to me and whatever oblivious bullshit I happen to be doing.”

I feel bad for her too, it can’t be easy having her idiot family in the news and bringing bullshit on her name the way they are (even though none of their crap is in any way her fault). It has to be adding to an already stressful burden of being under a white-hot spotlight of scrutiny and judgment. I’m sure plenty of

Lived here my whole life and love it, but yes, there are hordes of questionable people here. Like these long lost relatives - like did you actually call WSB and tell them that you’re distantly related to Meghan Markle and you weren’t invited to her wedding? AND THEY THOUGHT IT NEWSWORTHY ENOUGH TO REPORT ON????

There is so much tackiness surrounding this latest royal wedding. Last night I caught a local (metro Atlanta) news report talking about Meghan Markle’s “newly discovered” Georgia relatives and their feelings about not being invited to the wedding, and I died a little inside.