
I will always and forever side-eye the hell out of the opinions of Xenu humpers.

I sympathize with having a neighbor you hate, but the social media callout thing is incredibly immature and petty. Grow up.

Love these 2. Such a great vibe.

Damn dude. Lucas... blink twice if you need help bro. I’m not saying she’s an abusive spouse, but these sorts of things tend to be a pattern.

Azealia Banks is a rude bitch and a hater. She needs to lighten up and let people enjoy things, because the pro critic thing is just not a good look on anyone. She ain’t all that, as the kids used to say.

As someone who has yo-yo’ed over the years - if someone makes a comment, just say “that’s rude” in a neutral tone and change the subject. If anyone freaks out in response, then they’re the ones that made the “scene,” not you. You don’t owe anyone any kind of explanation for the state of your body. It’s none of their

This is where the stereotype that the military is full of functional retards comes from.

Mo money mo problems, welcome to the NFL

Lulz. I’m taking bets on who they’re going to pick this year to top the shittiness of the Blake pick. My money is on Kanye.

Thanks Blake for confirming that you are, in fact, a trashy idiot.

Shaq, you are a big giant silly-billy and I hope you never change

Thanks for ruining my day by causing me to imagine Tom Brokaw doing sexy-talk in his weird Tom Brokaw cadence. Ugh. I’m honestly not even surprised anymore when these allegations surface. Our workplace culture needs a major overhaul. Burn it down and start over.

So, she’s definitely racist. And she needs to cool it with the plastic surgery, or she’s going to be looking like Jocelyn Wildenstein by the time she’s 50 at the rate she’s going. Not cute.

Love Ru always and forever. Thanks for sharing.

This is correct. Sitting presidents do not typically attend events like this out of respect for the deceased and their family/loved ones. If Trump had attended, it would have been all about Trump by default, with increased security, press, etc. It was the right call for him not to go.

LOL dude, how much did YOU weigh 35 years ago? What a dumbshit.

Bella Thorne is looking way strung out these days. I hope she has people in her life who care about her well being enough to step in when help is needed.

Thanks. It did. I now have a healthy almost-6-year-old son and a good job that provides me with medical coverage. (And my son’s father/my ex partner also has a good job that covers our son.) Again, I recognize how very fortunate I am in that regard and do not take it for granted. I still believe just as strongly as

RIP Bar. You were... one of a kind.

Trump is the crassest kind of nouveau riche. Of course the Bushes despise him.