Those who can digest it do. My husband loves a nice glass of milk. I can’t touch it or I get horrendous, painful gas.
Those who can digest it do. My husband loves a nice glass of milk. I can’t touch it or I get horrendous, painful gas.
I was so confused the first time I tried to participate in a facebook live “party” for a friend of mine that started selling this stuff. It was almost like an auction, like she would hold something up for the camera and then we were supposed to bid on it? It was a mess. Basically the worst possible way I could imagine…
It’s an obvious pyramid scheme. If it were legit you could buy it straight up online or in stores, but you can’t. You have to buy it from a consultant, and you can only pick from whatever they happen to receive in their buy-in package.
I’m no fan of cops, but yes to this. Don’t start none, won’t be none. (Especially if your behavior is what’s getting you bodily removed from the event in the first place.)
Same here. Vision starts going dark, and super high pitched whine in the ears. That’s when I know it’s time to sit myself down before I fall over.
You’ve probably met others that smelled like that. I know I have.
Gross. Sean Penn looks like he smells like beef jerky and dirty laundry.
I love Dan Jones and his posh accent and his male Emma Watson face.
It’s a metaphor. No one is saying penises literally look like rotten maggot-infested produce. It’s just a more colorful way of saying that it’s something that no one wants to look at unbidden.
Hopefully Bryan Singer. The dude is a predator.
This asshole most likely doesn’t even have any personal convictions regarding abortion and choice. He just says that shit to get votes. It’s basically a foolproof strategy in districts like his. Punishing and controlling women is just a bonus for him.
I love watching drunken jackasses brawl in slow motion. I bet all of them were wishing they were dead this morning.
They’re great together. Seems like they have wonderful chemistry. I think Will and Harry are doing an awesome job ushering the royal family into a new era - there have been some bumps along the way of course but overall I think their mom would be super proud of the men they have become.
The only way in hell I would watch this is if they hire 21 Savage
Can’t unsee
Darren Aronofsky films are like raw oysters. A lot of people love them, but there’s also a hell of a lot of people who just don’t get it. It’s not the kind of thing you can put on for a fun night in with the girls. I’ve never been a fan, myself - at the end of every single one I invariably feel like vomiting.
“Yep, I’m doing this. I bet no one will even notice.” - Marshall Greene, probably
Good for you, Katie and Jamie. You’re a smoking hot and talented couple and I wish you all the best.
That cop done fucked with the wrong one. Most nurses I know are tough as nails and have no truck with anyone’s bullshit.
Yeah, that was supposed to be the joke. My bad.