
I don’t entirely disagree, but at the same time, if someone wanted to sit naked in church, the proper response is “we’re glad you attended to learn about Jesus” not a commentary on their outfit.

It’s not like there aren’t preachers in the US right now who advocate killing homosexuals or sending them all to an island. Most of society labels them nutjobs, but they are out there. And let’s remember, we currently have a vice president who supports conversion therapy which is essentially a form of torture. I’m

I dunno, I’m pretty sure the average Trump voter would definitely look the other way when it comes to the stoning. They may not want to act like they support it but they definitely wouldn’t want to change it if it cost them something like... abortion, a border wall, or equal rights.

Canadian here, my wife gave birth last year... We received free ultrasounds and prenatal testing throughout, free access to midwifery care, free access to a birth centre that was like a hotel suit with a fireplace and a tub. My wife had complications, we were transferred to a hospital (for free), had an emergency

But but but...if we had some commie pinko European socialist healthcare here we’d have to wait MONTHS just to get in to see a doctor!

Andrew Jackson, whom Trump loves, ordered a genocide and started a major depression.

YEP she’ll be just fucking fine because we live in hell. 

I think less than a year with NO crisis manager. This rando has just become SO FAMOUS. She just needs to keep her follower count up, and she’s gained a hundred thousand followers since the scandal broke. She’ll have a new makeup palette in six months.

The question isn’t who drops her next, it’s how soon will she get those gigs back? My guess is, with the best crisis manager working for her, less than a year.

A million times this. Assuming this young man’s statement is sincere, he seems like a decent kid whose shitty mom thought “supporting” him meant buying his way into a fancy college, instead of you know, actually supporting him. I work in the world of fancy LA private schools and see this shit all the time—parents who

Nope. Which is why this scandal will be a plus for her in the long run. When you make money off being famous getting more attention is only a good thing. We’ve seen this path walked before. It was forged by Paris Hilton and then paved with gold by the Kardashians. I wouldn’t be surprised if Olivia Jade gets an E

Nah, she’ll be fine. She’s still pretty and she’s still rich. She will also be getting a lot more attention and at the end of the day that is the end goal of these influencers. Attention. As attention means clicks and clicks mean money.

Idk, Huffman’s kid would have been a legacy at NYU. I suspect that would have been less costly for them...particularly if this turns into a tax fraud case.

Not only that, but if her Dad wasn’t qualified(I don’t know either way) he could have served just as well joining the Navy and not going to the academy. Then the more deserving and less privileged applicant that’s spot was taken could have served their Country at the USNA. That is the point she doesn’t seem to get.

If only we could institute a 100% estate tax, these rich people could use those bootstraps that they seem to feel are so important.

Yeah, when I saw she was in her first year at a top MATH PhD program, I wondered about this...sounds like she was immensely talented, and it takes a very high achiever to accomplish what she did by the age of 23. PhD programs can really exacerbate existing mental health issues, especially in the first year, when

He’s going to put an end to veteran suicide by driving the VA into the ground and making sure they all die of opioid overdoses first.

Maybe Jack should travel to a country where hunger is rampant and ask those people how they deal with time slowing down. I bet they have ideas.

Only a really rich person would voluntarily not eat for hours and then talk about how much time they have without framing it around meals. #bye

97% of Black Women voters say “No thanks, hard pass.”