
And I thought it was bad when celebrities just treated their chihuahuas like accessories and dress-up dolls instead of living beings.

Jezebel is a tabloid. A tabloid with delusions of grandeur, but a tabloid none-the-less. The sooner we all make our peace with that the better.

Yeah, this letter was clearly written with the expectation it would be leaked. The fact that he can’t see that and somehow thought it would make him look better to leak it is insane.

I really think she and Harry or maybe their team were anticipating him selling the letter. I really think they goaded him into doing that. The letter confirms everything leaked in the People magazine story and makes him look like a crazy, opportunistic liar. He said she cut him off completely and never mentioned the

They found some dude in a bar who refused to be identified and he said Smollett was lying. How credible!

Jezebel-writers, stop fucking publishing stuff that makes her dad money and invades her privacy, like publishing her private correspondence specifically asking him to stop selling any scrap, true or untrue, for money to the press.

Sometimes the courage it takes to admit you fucked up outweighs the actual fuck up.

At the bar I was at, no one wanted to watch the halftime show. So I pulled up Prince’s halftime show from 2008 and Chromecasted it onto all of the screens. The bar was a lot happier and this may be my superhero moment of 2019.

Even when they talk about his schedule, they block it out as an 8 hour day. Like, I have a junior leadership position and even I work 9 or 10 hours a day, and it’s not like my job is downstairs from my apartment. I would have figured the Presidency was a 24/7 job, I didn’t think your could part time it. 

“Executive Time.” And:

I work at a call center and every minute of my working day is tracked. If I’m ten or fifteen minutes “off schedule” this is grounds for a “talk”/not meeting metrics for a bonus. I’m not allowed to browse the internet or stop for lengths of time to decompress outside of my breaks which are scheduled weeks in advance at

Then maybe, like in 2016, he has no reasonable basis to run for the nomination of a party to which he does not belong. 

Any word on whether Bernie Sanders is going to actually BE AN ACTUAL MEMBER of the Democratic Party or is he just going to once again demand to receive the nomination of a political party to which he neither belongs nor pays dues nor fundraises? 

What in the blue fuck is Jenny McCarthy doing there? And why would anyone in their right mind give attention to anything she’s a part of?

I am so tired of people who don’t enjoy Chipotle deciding they are morally superior to those who do and turning it into some kind of humble-brag (“I’m just the sort of person who has a higher standard and it isn’t worth it for me to risk my health for a burrito.”). Nobody is impressed.

Right. His testimony WAS the smoking gun of his unfitness as a judge, and they applauded it.

or a smoking gun would have to come out that is compelling enough to persuade enough Republicans to join with Democrats to form a 2/3 majority, for such an effort to succeed.

So... regardless of what complaints are brought against him, he gets to keep his position? There’s literally nothing that can unseat him, aside from him leaving/retiring of his own volition..?

There was an old perv in Nantucket.

I think getting people to stop equating “woman” with “mother” would go a long way in helping people who can’t conceive or carry to term feel less shame.