
Yeah, I think the biggest possible punishment is definitely the tax fraud and not the school fraud. If they put this “donation” on their taxes they are cooked. They should know to never mess with the IRS.

I also highly recommend Paris. There’s obviously tons of things to do and it’s a perfect city to relax with a cup of coffee. Also pretty much everyone speaks English so the language barrier isn’t so great.

That’s what really bothered me about the 2005 version. I loved the movie as a whole and I loved Kiera as Elizabeth and Matthew as Darcy but together the two of them were just bland. Nothing like Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle.

I’m not old and it’s definitely Off the Wall. Hands down!

OMG I hope this happens!

“Why would we want to potential ruin a man’s life over this?” /s

Right? I still can’t get over how he only served 1 year in prison!

Bingo. I was shocked by the number of people I saw say the same thing. They forget that Cheeto’s twitter rants ARE NOT NORMAL. For heaven’s sake! Can you imagine any other head of state saying even 0.0001% of the things Mango Mussolini has said? He’s so toxic to our country, and I still can’t believe Twitter has done

These are the children of Fox News and Breibart, right? Because there is no way in hell I’d let my kid within 100 miles of that sniveling pervert.

57k while at the same time Cheeto Benito is asking for $1 billion for his stupid wall.

Same. Reading about this poor girl’s ordeal made me think about how John Kelly had the nerve to say we were in Africa to spread “human rights.” Besides being horrifyingly racist it’s also hypocritical when at the same time we’re holding a minor hostage, who came to our country seeking refuge, because she wanted

It is really pissing me off how people are calling him “brave.” Fuck that! He’s the biggest of cowards. He could actually DO something or at the very least not vote in favor of Cheeto Benito. Someone impeach the fool already! (I could go on about how these GOPers didn’t say shit or outright supported Cheeto during the

Thank you! It’s my least favorite Christmas song of all time.

Exactly. He admitted to obstruction of justice to Lester Holt on national television for heaven’s sake. Let alone trying to start nuclear war. None of this matters until Republicans do something about it.

That still blows my mind. This man admitted under oath to raping a child then fled the country to avoid his jail sentence and people who work with him are, whatever??? If Weinstein gets kicked out of the Academy Polanski should definitely be next.

So did he not know about his girlfriend’s assault until the article came out last week? Because if he did know and said nothing he has no business dragging Hillary (for what exactly?). It’s really gross trying to put blame on a woman who has nothing to do with the entertainment industry.

The sad part is that this is the 3rd show in the last few years that had to alter or delay an episode because of a mass shooting. I don’t know if that says more about the prevelance of violence on TV or our horrific gun culture (one and the same?)

They should show the movie trailers during intermission for movies longer than 2 and a half hours.

I don’t see how her working for him wasn’t a conflict of interest from the start since she had a book/movie (?) deal with his company.

Meh whatever. He knew what Cheeto was like when he endorsed him and voted for all of the clowns in his circus cabinet.