
Ha! I’d appreciate a factual movie/series about the Reconstruction era. We have no need for fake fantasies when reality was compelling enough. Everything I’ve learned about black history between 1877 and 1955 I learned on my own. Our school systems certainly don’t like to highlight the racial terror and Great

Unless that cheeseburger has Dijon mustard and arugula. Then he’d be considered elitist! *trying not to tear my hair out*

I never even used the word fuck before November 8. Now it makes a regular rotation in my vocabulary.

I add Pence as well. This monstrosity has his name written all over it.

The Nazis didn’t write this playbook. White Americans used these same type of stories as reasons to lynch black people and burn down entire black communities between Reconstruction and WWII.

Right? Lord knows there have unfortunately been plenty of white American men who’ve tortured young women but I don’t see any politician calling for the removal of all white men. Only until we know what’s going on of course! /s

It’s so surreal. I can’t even think about too much or I get a panic attack (which I bet is a pre-existing condition).

Seriously. The past 6 months have been traumatic with the “will they/won’t they deny healthcare to millions??”

That’s what I’m saying! The Cheeto masses won’t know the difference! Honestly, at this point, I’d love to see the GOP fix what needs fixing with the ACA and call it Trumpcare. I really don’t care at this point. I just wish they’d stop dangling my health and livelihood over my head.

Honestly, the breaking point should have been day 1 when he was forced to lie about the inauguration size. He had pictures! a powerpoint! That was peak embarrassment.

Yup. These journalists really piss me off. Someone on twitter compared to questions NYT asked Obama and they were hard-hitting specific policy questions. Now of course Obama is actually an intelligent, sane man but Herr Cheeto is still *gag* the president!! My god I’d pay $1000 to the first journalist who publicly

Right?! There’s like 20 specialties to choose from! There’s always a need for more pediatricians and general practitioners. If you want it make money how about anesthesiology or dermatology. Ugh the fact that doctors can choose to opt out of procedures IN THEIR OWN FIELD is insane.

That’s why I don’t get the people whining that the Electoral College is necessary: “without the E.C. candidates would only campaign in CA and NY!”. Well, they only campaign in FL, OH, and PA now so you were saying???

That’s an easy one for me. I’ll admit the reason I’ve kept cable all these years is for TCM.

Megyn tries to cross over to mainstream and her first 2 guests are Putin and Alex Jones?!! Hahaha! Whoever thought that was a good idea?? I’m sure there were people who were willing to give her a chance but she threw out whatever goodwill she might have had on the first bat.

That’s what’s been so puzzling about McCain. He’s one of the most beloved statesmen in his party. He’s 80 years old so really unlikely he’ll run again and he was made a mockery of by the orange head of lettuce. If any republican would come out against Herr Cheeto it would be him. The fact that he hasn’t gives me 0%

Yeah we’re not going to have much of a democracy left soon. Also, if he doesn’t bring down Pence along with Cheeto and co. we’re going to be the Republic of Gilead with the GOP congresspeople leading the way.

This makes me want to cry because I would bet big bucks that every word you just wrote actually happened. This is what we’ve been reduced to.

He would certainly fit right in. The abusing of girls and women is just a bonus!

It’s so outrageous but par for the course for this fool and his administration. I’m sure Cheeto would just say that making products in America is for the masses not the president!