
Exactly. If he was instead a 50 year old mechanic who made headlines the past 25 years for marrying a 15 year old, on trial for making a pornographic tape of a 14 year old, and settled tens of lawsuits about misconduct with teenage girls they’d let their daughters hang out with him? TRAVEL with him? I think not.

Hearing Pence lie so effortlessly about the wealthcare bill takes my breath away. It actually scares me that these soulless people have no qualms lying about something that will kill thousands of people. I know the U.S. has a fucked up past but I still wonder how did we get to this point?

If we even have elections (which I have serious doubts we will) and the next president is a democrat, then yes, restrictions will be put in place by Congress. If our republic is changed for good or the the next president is a Republican this new world will continue with business as usual.

This part of the whole catastrophe makes me want to tear my hair out. Not only did these idiots lie about meeting Russians they all lied about almost the SAME PEOPLE they were meeting (i.e. Kislyak). It’s insane that Sessions and Kushner still have jobs and security clearances. They should have been thrown out on

Great analogy and you’re absolutely right.

This is a great strategy but it would fly over the head of Herr Cheeto. He’s such a narcissist he would actually think you’re complementing him.

I’ve lost so much respect for Anderson Cooper over the past year. I stopped watching cable news a few years ago when I realized the vast majority of them were TV personalities and not journalists. But, I still stuck around for Cooper because he was an actual respected journalist who rose through the ranks. But, now

“Eunice is being recognized more and more...”

And he was right on time this morning! “Fake News!” “What about Hillary?!” Geez he’s so pathetic.

I hate to say it but I’ve wondered the same thing many times myself. “You know, I would really like to see the country’s reaction to Cheeto shooting someone on 5th Avenue.”

How Jared still has a job and his high level security clearance is beyond me. Of course, I think the same thing about Sessions and he’s still there.

Yup. I want to know what other emails between these two (and Jared and Manafort) contain. There must have been plenty of other emails besides the ones that have been published. What else has this group cooked up?

I think this is the first tangible, written information the public has seen of collusion with the Russian government, right? I must admit I also feel the tiniest seeds of hope, but then I remember the past 100 illegal acts that have been swept under the rug and the seed dies.

I felt so bad for him. I can’t even imagine how he was feeling when DJT Jr. just up and spilled the beans. I think he takes solace of the fact that this would all still be hidden if he hadn’t spent the last year digging.

I absolutely believe that. Irony is dead and buried.

Right?! That would have been my first thought when it came to strategy: deny, deny, deny. That just shows how stupid he is.

Yup. This past year has really put it into perspective my previous disbelief on the pretty much seamless rise of the Nazis. At least they were still trying to build up their new democracy and recover from the then-worst war in history while the U.S., the longest running democracy, is just handing over the keys to the

I re-watched that movie a few weeks ago, and I was astonished by how on target it was to our current situation. Scary stuff, especially with the devaluing of education and corporations taking over the country.

Like everyone else, I completely agree. Cheeto himself admitted to obstruction of justice on national TV. He’s violated the Constitution from day 1 with the Emoluments Clause. He’s made a 1000 ethics violations. He hired his family members to take over from career diplomats......and nothing. Nothing has touched him.

I find it so hilarious how Jr. confirmed the story is true! Honestly, when I first heard about it, I was wary because it sounded too good to be true. There’s a paper trail? Cheeto brought down by an email (delicious irony)? So, thanks Donny boy!