
Yup. The White House has been a sieve since January. But what I’m wondering is who leaked DJT Jr.’s emails to the New York Times? He doesn’t (technically) work for the government so who spilled the beans?

Well, we’d still have only 8 SCOTUS justices and we’d be knee deep in some type of impeachment trial (emails/Benghazi/combination,etc.) but at least we wouldn’t be Putin’s puppet and the laughing stock of the entire world. Also, 10s of millions of people wouldn’t have to worry about losing their healthcare. So, things

Irony is beyond dead. It’s a dead horse being beaten over the head with a club.

You know the biggest irony about this entire catastrophe? It looks like Hillary’s private email server is the only government server that wasn’t hacked. Whenever I think about that I want to laugh hysterically.

Rice Pilaf is genius.

He’s absolutely right and it pisses me off because our media should have been saying the same thing everyday for the past 6 months. Instead we still have idiots at CNN calling what Herr Cheeto did at the summit “presidential.” I mean, our “president” openly admitted on Twitter this morning that he wants to turn over

I’m hoping when we’ve reached the point where thousands of teenagers have untreatable STDs that there will be comprehensive sex education and free condoms everywhere. But who am I kidding.

They’ll vote for any Republican that promises to end abortion and gay marriage. That’s really what it’s boiled down to at this point.

Actually, I think that’s exactly what she meant. Meaning right = conservative.

I agree completely about Lemonade. It was a masterpiece. And I’m saying this as someone who is not a fan of Beyonce’s music.

I saw 2 girls wearing Wonder Woman costumes when I went to see it in the theater. They were so cute!

I don’t see how any sane, moderate Republican can support this party anymore. I mean, hell, they’re almost not even a party anymore but a cult.

You know the saddest thing about this? That Kellyanne actually did that and it’s not a fake.

Yes, this is hilarious, but now I’ll never be able to look at this scene the same again. Thank you very much!

Ugh this motherfucker right here. RIGHT NOW he’s trying to dismantle our healthcare system including Medicaid that funds half of all births and 40% of all children. RIGHT NOW he’s denying refugee children from entering our country. And he’s trying to convince us sane people that he gives a shit about providing

The same thing happens to me. When it hits me I always get a wave of panic. It’s so surreal.

The Trumpanzees certainly weren’t saying it was just a joke when Kathy Griffin had that fake Cheeto head. The hypocrisy is astounding.

Bingo! I wish more Americans would understand this. Obama’s presidency was an anomaly, not the norm.

Agreed. If we aren’t even going to allow some of the smartest children in the world to enter our country we definitely shouldn’t be hosting the event. I’m so embarrassed. I can’t even imagine how these children feel. It breaks my heart.

I watched the 1971 version a few days ago when I realized Geraldine Page was in it. I love her and I’ll watch anything she’s in. I was very pleasantly surprised and I really loved the movie! Page, Eastwood and Hartman played so well against each other (even though Hartman’s character was mixed race in the book). Also,