
I just had a picture in my head of surgeons wearing gun holsters during surgery and I had a rage stroke. I have to remind myself that this is not Syria.

I’m so disappointed in Anderson Cooper. I know he’s not a corporate bigwig but I would think he has enough clout to be able to pick whatever guests he wants. Of course, if he wants to go this route then there’s nothing to say. I hate the whole “we need 10 different voices speaking on top of each other” but his show is

Those people REALLY piss me off. I’m hoping a lot of that is just for entertainment purposes though. You’re living in Paris and you’re complaining about the small kitchen? We can switch places then!!

Yup. My brother works 3 part-time jobs and because none of them are willing to offer full-time with all the benefits he had to use ACA when he turned 26 and was kicked off our parents’ insurance. And it’s a godsend because he needs insurance for his asthma medication. He finally got a good job that will allow him to

I think that’s why so many people are shocked by this “health”care plan. They don’t get that these republican congresspeople and senators DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU. It’s as simple as that. Once I reconciled with that I lost my ability to be shocked by their heartlessness. Now what can we do about it? Obviously vote them

W.T.F. And this is LEGAL to buy? We are so fucked up.

I really wish I figured out how to post gifs because the Hercules goddammit gif perfectly fits my mood after watching this video. :(

Yup. Looking back Sarah Palin was the forerunner for the mess we’re in today. She and McCain should have been ridiculed from the day she came to national attention, but instead she was praised and became the new GOP darling. Then came the Tea Party on her heels and here we are.

Let’s be real. We all know this gif should be in hours, if not minutes.

Right?! Everyone should be legitimately horrified that our so-called president is a compulsive liar of the worst order. I didn’t think I could be more disgusted by him but he outdid himself...again!

Going from Obama to this orange head of lettuce is really the ultimate example of white supremacy.

A few months ago my anxiety got so bad I made myself go a whole weekend without any news. I pretty much just read books the whole time. It was glorious. Honestly, I didn’t realize how bad it had gotten. I wanted to go longer without the news, but then my anxiety manifested itself in another way. I kept thinking “OMG

LOL. We’re on the same page now. I blame everything on Herr Cheeto. It’s all his fault. I pretty much never had a short fuse before his orange-y self permeated every part of my life.

She could “stay out of politics” like this if the administration bothered to fill one of the 11 bazillion State Department jobs.

I’m stuck in the grays but I assure you I’m not a troll. I’m really, truly sorry. I see now how I offended you. Thanks for answering my question. I shouldn’t have said anything though because I didn’t take into account how it’s your work environment and you need to protect your job and I shouldn’t expect you to say

And for those who think he wasn’t being sexist but just stating a fact, on CBS This Morning he basically said he hoped Serena didn’t get too upset since she’s pregnant and should be careful. The same woman who won the Australian Open while 8-9 weeks pregnant but Johnny boy is afraid that she’ll catch the vapors and go

I’m American and I completely agree with everything you said. We’re a fucking horror show of the highest order.

Idiot shitbag, yes, but more importantly he’s white. These idiot shitbags could never believe that the world could respect us because our leader was black. Oh the horror!

I’m not surprised about them keeping their head in the sand but did anyone ever call out these servers?

There wasn’t never a chance that Gorsuch would be reasonable. Why do I think that? Well besides his own judgements this is a guy who had no problem accepting a stolen seat. If he had any pride he would have said he wouldn’t accept the nomination until Garland had his hearing.