
I will never get over how the republicans STOLE a Supreme Court seat. I mean, what the actual fuck?! That’s when the horror show started, not November 8th.

I NEED these fluff stories these days. My anxiety is through the roof since November, and I rejoice when i see stories that don’t have to do with that orange head of lettuce and his menagerie.

They’ll still vote for it. They want the “win.” They literally do not care. Remember Paul Ryan saying that Obamacare was going to be the law of the land? Yeah that was like 2 months ago and now we could be 1 week away from CheetoCare. Don’t believe a word out of their fucking mouths.

I can’t even imagine a life where everyone in the world recognizes me. I certainly don’t blame them for keeping things as secret as they have, especially with twins. There’s always the chance of more complications and premature birth. If it turned out that the twins needed a week or a few weeks in the NICU, I’d keep

I still can’t get over the fact that Hobby Lobby was able to use fake science and WIN. God help us all.

If there was no other reason to vote for Hillary, the fact that up to 4 SCOTUS judges and hundreds of federal judges still open was a pretty gosh darn good reason!!!

I will give everything I own to the reporter who asks Herr Cheeto to name the 3 branches of government. It’s obvious he doesn’t know.

This gif has gotten a lot of usage this year, but I don’t think it’s ever been more appropriate than right now.

That reasoning really boils my blood. Penicillin and anesthesia also kills people but I’m sure these same anti-vaxxers would have no problem getting treatment for their kids if they had an infection or needed an operation.

Totally agree. If she was so worried about misinterpreting black women then she should have hired expert historians. That’s not uncommon for historical films and considering the box office stars in this movie I’m sure she had the budget to hire some. I don’t know anything about filmmaking but that came to me right

My friends used to look at me like I had 2 heads when I said I wasn’t a fan of alcohol. I kept telling them “is it really that much of a travesty if I never want to develop a taste for alcohol? Certainly my bank account is happy for me.” Once they realized I could always be the designated driver they stopped trying to

NJ actually passed a law that states that 5 year olds are required to be taught how to not get shot by the police. That pretty much says it all about who we are as a country. This is how fucked up we are.

Even that won’t work! Remember that caregiver in Florida who was shot in the leg by the police while he was laying on the ground with his hands in the air trying to protect his charge who was sitting next to him.

Devastating but oh so accurate.

YES! I didn’t know how much I needed to see kick ass women with spears taking down men with guns....and WINNING. It was awesome!

Me too! But I should have known better. We all know that satire is dead now.

Yup. If Alex Jones was an Iranian Muslim he would have been thrown in jail on terrorism charges a long time ago.

That sketch is still so freaking awesome!

Good question. I would think hauling people out of their wheelchairs would qualify as assault, but since it’s the police that did this it won’t matter anyway. It’s not like the police would ever be charged with anything. Ha!

Insurance companies came out against this weeks ago so they know what’s going to happen. At a minimum premiums are going to go sky high which means millions of people won’t even bother purchasing insurance in the first place.