
It’s gaslighting in the extreme. White supremacy and racism can pretty much summed up with “Obama is an out of touch elitist” while Cheeto is “a man of the people.”

I still haven’t been able to sit through the entire movie and I’ve tried many times.

Right? I’m sure he has enough money to enjoy the rest of his days on a beach. I would do the same thing, especially with the level of method acting he puts himself through.

Yup. It’s not a coincidence that Blacks vote democratic 90% of the time.

Thank you. People, especially those outside of GA, don’t seem to get this point. Tom Price won reelection by almost 30 points in November. The 6th district is mainly made up of the rich, white northern Atlanta suburbs. It was always going to heavily swing republican. The fact that Ossoff made a special election

I’m not going to watch. I stopped watching these murders after Walter Scott. Watching a man who had done NOTHING running scared from a cop only to be shot in the back really broke something inside of me. I refuse to watch these videos anymore and I hate how they’ve become fodder for the media and public consumption

I agree. Out of all the actors over the years who claimed they were retiring, Daniel Day-Lewis might be the first one I believe right away.

Right?! And 28 was considered an old maid. It’s hard to believe how cultural norms have changed in 20 years.

It should be completely obvious by now that republicans don’t care about people. Also, McConnel and co. don’t plan on letting go of power. Ever. With the end of the Voting Rights Act this is only the beginning of voter suppression, and they already have a blueprint with 100 years of Jim Crow laws to fall back on. We

As long as the press treats this administration like a normal one and not an authoritarian one, we’re screwed. None of this is normal and the media has got to start acting like none of this is normal!

This is hilariously true, but I will admit that lately I’ve been watching a lot of America’s Funniest Home Videos with my On Demand because it was nice to laugh and escape from the hell that is this administration.

Holy. Shit. When I thought I couldn’t hate this pathetic excuse of a man even more....

Social media has really upped the asshole factor. Your story reminded me of when my god sister got engaged a few years ago. She begged me not to post anything on Facebook because they were waiting to tell everyone on social media. I was shocked she even had to emphasize that. It never even occurred to me to blab about

Anything by Earth, Wind and Fire. “September” is for sure my favorite song and it’s one that’s really fun to listen to. I think your kids would like it too.

He’s easily the best part of the god-awful Ocean’s 12.

I’m sure Putin cackles with glee at least once a day. This catastrophe couldn’t be going any better for him.

Well their clickbait backfired with me. CNN used to be my go-to network but I haven’t been back since they hired Jeffrey Lord and Corey Lewandowski.

Wait, what? Spielberg would forget he directed a movie adapted from a book that won a Pulitzer Prize, grossed something like $200 million dollars (in 1980s money) AND received 11 Oscar nominations?? He made movies about aliens, child kidnapping, the Holocaust, D-Day, and dinosaurs, but a movie about a poor black woman

I don’t mean to get philosophical but this example really brought up so many memories from when I was young. I was pretty much self-taught in black history, and it really hurt how my teachers and fellow students didn’t care at all about any of my history (in a 90% white community). I don’t think I know any black

Sally Field was amazing. If I had to envision Mary Todd Lincoln it would be how she portrayed her.